I had thought that shortly before, or on January 20, 2025—inauguration day, or within a short time thereafter, Democratic Party affiliated [i] progressive academics, [ii] think tanks, [iii] litigation shops, [iv] state attorneys general, and [v] other office holders . . . would bring lawsuits against Trump based on the Foreign Emoluments Clause and the Presidential (Domestic) Emoluments Clause.
It has been two weeks since Trump-47’s inauguration, and, as far as I know, not one such lawsuit has been filed.
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Moreover, I do not know why the President’s many well-resourced opponents have not gone down this path. After all, during Trump-45 they covered themselves with self-praise which a fawning media regularly regurgitated—even when they had very little substantive to show.
I could speculate on why we see the current inaction. And maybe one day, I will return to that issue and to speculate.
But right now, I think the bigger story is that the national press is not pressing these groups (i.e., the parties which had brought the Emoluments Clauses cases during Trump-45) for any rationale explaining their current inaction. And that tells you something about where our media is.
Seth Barrett Tillman, ‘I was promised a left-wing litigation Gotterdamerung ... and all I got was this lousy shirt,’ New Reform Club (Feb. 3, 2025, 2:44 AM), <https://reformclub.blogspot.com/2025/02/i-was-promised-left-wing-litigation.html>;
Nobody wants to be the first person to file - knowing that that will focus the eye of ire upon them.
None of them can withstand the scrutiny of being the first to file because they know the magnitude of their crimes.
They are all hoping that OTHER people are the ones who get frog-marched down to Gitmo for some kind of treason-sedition trials; and they will be the ones allowed to quietly 'retire' or just fade away with their ill-gotten gains; ready for the next Democrat administration.
what does it tell us about where the media is?
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