Tradition is not the worship of ashes, but the preservation of fire.—Gustav Mahler

Wednesday, August 30, 2017

The Irish Court of Appeals -- Inefficient & Expensive

I have a new article (just 3 pages) on the efficiency of the Court of Appeal (of Ireland). My article is available on the Social Science Research Network (“SSRN”). Seth Barrett Tillman, ‘The Court of Appeal Backlog’ (2017) 35(15) Irish Law Times 206–08 (2017) <>. This 2017 article continues and extends the arguments which I developed in my prior publications: see, e.g., Seth Barrett Tillman, ‘Has the Irish Court of Appeal Solved the Judicial Backlog? Can it?’ (2016) 34(14) Irish Law Times 210–12 <>; see also, e.g., Seth Barrett Tillman, Opinion Editorial, ‘Court of Appeal just a new version of Supreme Court—only more costlyThe Irish Times (July 28, 2014, 1:30 AM), at 7 <>; Seth Barrett Tillman, Opinion Editorial, ‘Time to Open Courts and Let Justice Be Seen’ The Irish Independent, August 22, 2012, 17:00 pm, at A14 <>. 

From the abstract:
On 4 October 2013, Ireland held a referendum to create an intermediate court of appeal. The referendum passed, and the Court of Appeal went into operation on 28 October 2014. On 25 July 2017, the Courts Service published its Annual Report 2016. That report provides statistics in regard to the Court of Appeal’s second complete calendar year of operation. We can now ask the question: Has the Court of Appeal successfully dealt with the judicial backlog of appellate cases which it was created to address? We can now also make a tentative answer. The expensive experiment has not succeeded—or, at least, it has not succeeded so far.

Seth Barrett Tillman, The Irish Court of Appeals -- Inefficient & Expensive, New Reform Club (Aug. 30, 2017, 6:46 AM),

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