Tradition is not the worship of ashes, but the preservation of fire.—Gustav Mahler

Friday, November 04, 2005

The Trippi Effect

Feeling woozy. Just read Joe Trippi's latest comments on our blog.

Charm . . . offensive . . . working . . . Losing . . .touch . . .with . . .reality.

Need . . . to . . . watch . . . Michael . . . Moore . . . propaganda . . . to . . . stimulate . . . antagonism . . .

necessary . . .

for . . .

blogging . . .

Start . . .

D . . .

V . . .

D . . .

r . . .


S. T. Karnick said...

Or you could just read the latest by Frank Rich, Maureen Dowd, and Paul Krugman all in one go. Or would that be too much stimulation?

Barry Vanhoff said...

Its Friday, and TRC has made me laugh many times, sometimes even intentionally! :)

Hunter Baker said...

S.T., that combo is what I use for a good chemical peel.

S. T. Karnick said...

Well, be careful with it, OK?

James F. Elliott said...

The latest Krugman should do it, and he's talking smack about other liberals instead of conservatives!

Hunter Baker said...

Connie, it may be time for me to share my personal theory of what really happened to Madalyn Murray O'Hair.

She created the identity of Molly Ivins, who is also very unpleasant and unwholesome.

I've published this thesis in my new book -- "Hunter Baker Can't Say That, Can He?"

Hunter Baker said...

Aww, Connie, I was just funnin' around.

(If you look grim and say, "I wasn't," I'm getting the hell outta Dodge.)

Tom Van Dyke said...

I'd rather date Maureen Dowd. (Insert photoshop of Molly Ivins on bar stool here....)

Tom Van Dyke said...

I was thinking of this photo.

Yah, she's hot, I admit it. I'm a sucker for smart women.

Connie. ;-)

(Not Molly Ivins, tho. A man has his limits, even an ubersexual like meself.)

Hunter Baker said...

I'm intimidated by MoDo's bitterness. I think she is not a happy camper.

Tom Van Dyke said...

Of course she isn't. She doesn't have a man. :-)

All us good ones get snarfed up before we're even really on the market, eh, HB?

I mean, Mary Matalin had to settle for James Carville. How pathetic is that?

Ann Coulter will end up with Michael Moore, mark my words.

Hunter Baker said...

Tom, wouldn't that rock? The reed-thin, well-coifed Ann and the corpulent, unwashed Michael?

You're right about the good guys being taken. The videotape of my wedding and reception is fraught with images of women wondering what might have been.