Tradition is not the worship of ashes, but the preservation of fire.—Gustav Mahler

Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Living In Cindy

Cindy Sheehan has been arrested by her own contrivance. One supposes that she imagines herself to be the latest paragon of civil disobedience.

On the contrary, says I. Very uncivil behavior, madam. No one has been accorded more attention proportional to your newsworthiness than you have. Your fifteen minutes of fame are up. To the extent that you have made your point, it is made. To the extent that it hasn't, it never will be. Quick, dear, off the stage before (though perhaps it's too late) you go from sideshow to freak show.


Kathy Hutchins said...

The people who actually live in DC (like me for example) have absolutely no tolerance for this sort of stunt.

How is it uncivil? The District of Columbia is a poor and overtaxed city. Its police are chronically overstretched in their ability to deal with real crime -- you know, murders, arsons, armed robberies, carjackings -- the sort of thing police ought to be used for. We're sick and tired of being the designated Lefty Ego Theme Park, where well-to-do white liberals come to get some vicarious thrills by making themselves such infernal pains in the ass that the police have to spend valuable time and gasoline hauling them away to be booked for $75 tickets they have no intention of paying. And then we have to listen to them blather like they were writing letters from Birmingham jail and had actually put themselves in real jeopardy.

We'd appreciate it if the World Bank cranks, IMF haters, Mahatma Gandhi wannabees and the rest of the crypto-Stalinist A.N.S.W.E.R. crowd could go make a nusiance of themselves in San Francisco or Boston for a change.

James F. Elliott said...

Obviously you've never tried to get to anywhere in San Francisco when there's a protest on.

And conflating Cindy Sheehan with juvenile would-be anarchists? Come on.