Tradition is not the worship of ashes, but the preservation of fire.—Gustav Mahler

Monday, May 16, 2005

Vet Vet News Better

Very lovely of Newsweek Magazine to apologize that they might have gotten their story wrong and - oops! - no soldiers at Guantanamo Bay abused copies of the Quran or flushed them down the toilet after all.

Their contrition arrives a tad tardily for the fifteen people who have been killed in demonstrations in Afghanistan protesting this outrage by the U.S. Government.

We can only hope that a lesson was learned. Before so inflammatory a revelation is published, the charges should have many layers of substantiation. One disgruntled Defense Department grunt trying to grind an axe against his boss or just to feel important... does not a story make.


Anonymous said...

This is how the rumor started that let to the revolt in Bitish India. It also resulted in the Black Hole of Calculta story. With low flush tolets even water clogs these up, so how could a book of any size be flushed?

Jay D. Homnick said...

I see you're a skeptic who does not believe in miracles.