Tradition is not the worship of ashes, but the preservation of fire.—Gustav Mahler

Tuesday, February 01, 2005

I Don't Wanna Get Evolved

Here's a thought: shortly after the judge in Cobb County, Georgia, ruled that it is unconstitutional to have a sticker in the science textbook saying that 'evolution should be studied with an open mind', a freak ice storm hit Georgia this weekend.

Could it be that God is exercising His First Amendment right to freeze peach?


Greg McConnell said...

Jay, I'm trying to decide if it's better to describe that last punchline as "corny" or "peachy." =)

BTW, I found your Spectator piece on Strom very interesting (and principled).

Have a good one.

Greg McConnell said...

On second thought, Jay, you could employ a perfectly legitimate defense of, "I meant no joke or wordplay at all!"

Jay D. Homnick said...

Thanks, Greg. As a young Yeshiva student, I had a friend who, when accused of making a pun, would respond: "A bun? A bun is the lowest form of wheat!" Now, that IS corny.

Jay D. Homnick said...

Thanks, Greg. When I was a young Yeshiva student I had a friend who, when accused of making a pun, would respond: "A bun? A bun is the lowest form of wheat!"

Now, that IS corny.