Tradition is not the worship of ashes, but the preservation of fire.—Gustav Mahler

Sunday, December 15, 2024

“Deep-State Shenanigans”


Bill Kristol Interviewing Professor Jack Goldsmith, ‘Conversations with Bill Kristol,’ Youtube (Dec. 13, 2024), <> (at 27:10ff):


Professor Jack Goldsmith: 


[B]ut it’s normal for Trump, and let me just say part of what Trump is about is to just blow up all these norms [which] he just thinks … he thinks or talks acts as if he thinks, that they are just illegitimate, that they are corrupt, that the justice department is under the control of the Deep State or Democrats or some combination of both, and you know there were some Deep-State shenanigans against him in his first term, so and I get it, but this [?] is all completely out of the ordinary. [For us?] We unfortunately: it is about to become ordinary …. (emphasis added)

Tillman asking: I genuinely wonder how Goldsmith thinks Trump-47 should lawfully, reasonably, and proportionately respond to the Deep-State shenanigans” about which he (Goldsmith) speaks. What precisely does Goldsmith think Trump-47 should do? And, if he (Goldsmith) cannot tell us, why complain that Trump-47’s conduct is “out of the ordinary”? 

Bill Kristol never followed with any sort of probing questions in regard to “Deep-State shenanigans.”

And when Goldsmith asserts that “this” is all completely out of the ordinary ... what precisely does Goldsmiths use of “this” refer to? 


Seth Barrett Tillman, Deep-State Shenanigans,New Reform Club (Dec. 15, 2024, 7:37 AM), <>;

See also: Seth Barrett Tillman, ‘Bob Bauer’s Free Speech Problem and Ours,’ New Reform Club (July 23, 2017, 10:36 AM), <>;

1 comment:

SC Mike said...

Oh, just some shenanigans, a little mischief, maybe a few unethical moves here and there. Small beer, like taking his money, trying to incarcerate him, providing him with substandard personal protection. But hey, the shooter missed, so no harm, no?

The man with a remarkable sense of humor needs to learn how to take a joke.

Were it not for double standards, they’d have no standards at all.