Tradition is not the worship of ashes, but the preservation of fire.—Gustav Mahler

Sunday, December 01, 2024

In Remembrance of P.J. O’Rourke: Let’s Make a List

Which, if any or all, of these things (most) helped to elect Trump?

  • Mainstream / legacy media
  • Media’s normalization of foreign! gangs’ committing crimes in the U.S.
  • Media’s normalization of Biden’s continuing presidency until January 20, 2025, although he was not well enough to run for a second term as President
  • Media’s characterization of (every) political disagreement as a crisis
  • Media’s characterization of every crisis” as an “existential crisis
  • Media’s characterizing every person who disagrees about the scope of a purported “existential crisis,” or how it is best addressed, as a denier
  • Academia
  • Legal academia
  • Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (CREW)
  • Constitutional Accountability Center and other CREW wannabes
  • Universities’ adopting partisan political positions
  • Universities’ failing to protect traditional expressive and association rights
  • Civil rights & civil liberties organizations’ failing: to support those holding minority political opinions and to support minorities’ traditional expressive and association rights
  • Criminal Defense bar’s sudden lack of interest in the U.S. Constitution’s Sixth Amendment (as incorporated against the States), jury unanimity rights, and Apprendi and its progeny
  • Never Trump Republicans
  • Cheney-the-Elder & Cheney-the-Younger
  • Take Care Blog
  • Lawfare Blog
  • Russia Collusion Hoax/Mueller investigation
  • Foreign Emoluments Clause & Domestic (Presidential) Emoluments Clause cases
  • Ukraine telephone call impeachment
  • January-6-events impeachment
  • Special Counsel Jack Smith
  • New York Attorney General Letitia James (ADDED)
  • New York (Manhattan) District Attorney Alvin Bragg
  • Georgia (Fulton County) District Attorney Fani Willis
  • Section-3 ballot-access cases
  • Professional commentariat: e.g., former U.S. prosecutors and former judges—state and federal
  • Professional commentariats’ endless predictions which failed to materialize
  • Swatting political opponents
  • Stealing opponents’ political posters and otherwise defacing and destroying private property to advance political causes
  • Defacing and destroying public property and museum exhibits to advance political causes
  • Endorsements from actors and musicians
  • Debanking clients based on political association and speech
  • Regulators’ encouraging banks to debank clients based on: political association, political speech, and/or policy goals unrelated to the agency’s stated mission
  • Killing Peanut (the squirrel) and killing Fred (the raccoon)
  • And, those who sought to normalize any or all of the above

And post-election confirmation—explaining election losses by way of racism, misogyny, and low-information voters.

And will ANY of them take ANY responsibility for their “success”?

Honorable mentions:

  • Those who endlessly parroted: “The walls are closing in”
  • Podcasts and podcasters boldly and confidently predicting a Harris-Walz win (ADDED)
  • All those entertainers who threatened to emigrate should Trump win the election
  • All those entertainers who threatened to emigrate should Trump win the election, but (unexpectedly) have remained in the United States
  • Those pollsters and party operatives who depended on the Taylor Swift vote
  • Michael Avenatti and those who promoted and praised him
  • Michael Cohen and those who promoted and praised him
  • Hunter Biden laptop story and the response of the media, current and former intelligence agency heads, and other so-called “experts,” including academics and former prosecutors on blogs, on other social media, and those writing opinion editorials
  • Bar organizations which and judges!! who sought to control attorneys non-professional and other out-of-court activities and speech
  • Pollsters and other “experts” who, pre-election, expressed confidence (if not near certitude) of a Harris-Walz national popular vote victory!!! and/or electoral vote landslide!!!!
  • Pollsters and other “experts” who, pre-election, expressed confidence (if not near certitude) of Harris-Walzs prevailing in Iowa!!!!!
  • Nobel Peace Prize selection committee
  • Foreign political leaders who injected themselves into the U.S. political process
  • Those who sought to normalize foreign political leaders’ injecting themselves into the U.S. political process
  • And, those who sought to normalize any or all of the above

Seth Barrett Tillman, In Remembrance of P.J. O’Rourke: Let’s Make a List,’ New Reform Club (Dec. 1, 2024, 2:34 AM), <>; 

See also: Seth Barrett Tillman, Who Was On The Remain Side?, New Reform Club (Jan. 18, 2019, 7:32 AM), <>; 

See also: Emperor Tiberius to Caligula: “You and I will draw up a list during dinner. A long list.” Robert Graves’ “I, Claudius” (1934); 



Nathan Redshield said...

You probably left out some. Yes, those cackles and giggles. Especially the giggles. And the rabbits, tell us about the rabbits...

Packard said...

Not nearly enough credit is given on your list for what a perfectly awful candidate Kamala Harris was for the Democratic Party. In words, deeds, and messaging, the woman was a massive train wreck going over a cliff into the world’s largest land fills of dumpster fires. I mean, really!

bflat879 said...

It was, of course, all of the above since all the Democrats wanted to get in on the action. However, you forgot 2 serious offenders, NY Governor Kathy Hochul and NY AG Letitia James. Their joint news conference, after the Trump win, cemented some opinions who may have been teetering.

Richard said...

Given how close the election was, all of the above are correct.