Tradition is not the worship of ashes, but the preservation of fire.—Gustav Mahler

Tuesday, December 24, 2024

2024 Inaugural Tillman Award (UPDATE)

Submissions for the 2024 Tillman Award remain open until February 1, 2025. Send entries to me via X (formerly Twitter) @sethbtillman or send me an e-mail. First prize (in each category) will be … I buy the first round at The Brazen Head (Dublin, established circa 1198). Second prize … you buy the first round ….


Entry 1: Professor Rick Hasen (after the U.S. Supreme Court denied Professor Blackman, acting as my attorney, argument time to argue the position in my amicus brief):




Entry 2: Professor Deep Gulasekaram with Professor Rick Hasen:




Entry 3: James Hohmann, Interview, ‘Supreme Court hears oral arguments in Trump ballot access case—2/8,’ Washington Post (Feb. 8, 2024), <> (01:04:20ff):


Hilariously, this is an argument that was actually pushed by this obscure assistant professor in Ireland at a law school. His name is Seth Tillman. And he has been writing these law review articles for decades. He was dismissed as a crackpot. People made fun of him.


Entry 4: Alastair Campbell and Rory Stewart, Podcast, ‘The Killing of Alexei Navalny,’ The Rest Is Politics (Feb. 21, 2024), <> (at 41:58–44:10):


There has been some really interesting coverage particularly in the New York Times of this amazing eccentric introverted lawyer, who is a junior lecturer* at a university in Ireland, who has become the key to the Trump legal campaign … this man called Seth Barrett Tillman … he looks like Robert Sapolski, … a big kind of beard …. this man has been saying for 15 years that the President cannot be referred to as an officer, and this was a really marginal view and everyone thought it was completely eccentric and nobody cared … he is what is called a “constitutional fundamentalist”.

Entry 5: Professor Akhil Amar, Podcast, ‘An Officer and a President,’ Amarica’s Constitution (Sept. 13, 2023), <> (01:26:15ff):

But what Im saying is that he [Attorney General Mukasey] has written no article that I know of in which he elaborates all this. I know where its coming from. It’s coming from Seth Barrett Tillman . . . . 

Entry 6: Judge Luttig (4th Cir.) (retired) (follow the link for greater clarity):



*FYI: I have been an associate professor since 2021. Really!It is true!!

Entry 7: Best Foreign Entry Category: Shane Glackin (University of Exeter, UK):



Seth Barrett Tillman, ‘2024 Inaugural Tillman Award (UPDATE),’ New Reform Club (Dec. 24, 2024, 5:23 AM), <>; 

See also: Josh Blackman & Seth Barrett Tillman, ‘Professor Akhil Amar, On His Podcast, Responds to Attorney General Mukasey and the Tillman-Blackman Position,’ Reason—Volokh Conspiracy (Sept. 14, 2023, 1:08 AM), <>;

See also: Seth Barrett Tillman, ‘Re: Application for a Lateral Position at Yale Law School’ (Sept. 14, 2023, posted: Dec. 24, 2024), <>; 

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