I think it started in Miami Beach. 1981. The Twinkie Defense. Teenager Ronny Zamora had brutally murdered an 84-year-old grandmother; his lawyer pleaded
that poor Ronny could not distinguish fantasy from reality because of an overconsumption
of refined sugar.
The Hostess cakebaking operation was to blame, and in a larger sense America
itself, for its careless and destructive dietary habits.
1981. Not only were most of those manning [personing?] the current
Children’s Crusade for Black Trans Lives Matter for Social, Economic, Racial,
Sexual and Fundamental, Environmental and Just Mental Justice Reasons not even born yet, neither were some of their parents.
In 1981, the horrors of the real world and mankind’s most
murderous century were still quite real. As America still struggled with a
decade-long recession, the Soviet Union still existed, with its gulags and
economic ruin. China was still under the thrall of its own Communist Party and
its forced abortions, and of course the shadow of the murderous Chairman Mao.
And on Miami Beach itself, many of the last survivors of the
Holocaust lived out the rest of days that providence had granted them [and
mysteriously so few others].
The world that our current Children’s Crusade is protesting in 2020 is not that world. The world they are
inherit is a much better world, at least for now. A world comfortably removed from the consequences
of man’s true evil, the evils that reside in his very nature--not that the evil
that men foster simply out of carelessness, inattention, and pique.
George Floyd’s death was not a product of any system, except
perhaps a system that permits sometimes vain and intemperate men to carry our
guns for us to keep us safe from the genuinely evil men. Humanity has not yet come up with an
alternate system or candidate class except the military draft. But there is no
assurance or statistical proof that a random pool of draftees are any less capable
of atrocities than volunteers.
“Defund The Police” is a Twinkie World based on nothing but
fantasy. So too is the economic program that
is accompanying the current Children’s Crusade, that a person will work as hard
for someone else’s family as hard as he will work for his own.
Zamora’s “Twinkie Defense” failed in court. He was found
guilty and was sentenced to life in prison. We can only hope that the jury in
November will come to the same verdict. The NEW Minneapolis is already becoming uninhabitable.

In Twinkie World, every leftwing problem is caused by the right. Just as important, every disagreement with the utopian premise of Twinkie World is the result of a rightwing mental impairment.
"This is an important shift, because it allows the gun debate to be recast as a health issue. Henigan told the Castano lawyers about the many studies that have considered guns in an epidemiological context; in other words, guns should be thought of as pathogens, and gun ownership, perhaps, as a disease."
Peter J. Boyer
May 17, 1999
The New Yorker
This shift perhaps had begun in the psychoanalysis field in the 60s and 70s. I found this in Viktor Frankl's Man's Search for Ultimate Meaning:
"Of course, the question may be asked why psychoanalysis still 'is in a position to perpetuate its theories, proven or unproven,' and T.P. Millar offers the following explanation:
'The voice of dissent is not easily heard in psychiatric America. We are in an era when the sine qua non of publication in many a psychiatric journal is a dynamic formulation of the problem in oral, anal or Oedipal terms. We are in an era when to disagree with psychoanalysis is more liable to lead to a gratuitous diagnosis and dynamic formulation of the disagreer than it is to examination of the arguments advanced. Indeed, by diagnosing the opposition, the ideas advanced are rendered grist for the interpretative mill rather than propositions to be refuted. But can it be that only psychoanalysts have opinions while the rest of us have problems? Dr. Burness Moore, chairman of the American Psychoanalytic Association's public information committee, writes in that Association's newsletter: "Indeed, there is indication of increasing derogation of analysis in the past few years," and the Association has hired a public relations consultant.'
'This,' Millar comments, 'may indeed be the appropriate action, but it does seem possible that more might be accomplished if psychoanalysis were to undertake to rehabilitate its theory rather than its public image.' ... The theories of psychoanalysis are 'beliefs' with which 'psychiatrists in training are now frequently indoctrinated.'"
Today, psychoanalysts are working hard to persuade us that dissent from Faucism is a mental disorder:
""I knew that traits from the so-called Dark Triad (narcissism, Machiavellianism, and psychopathy), as well as the traits subsumed within psychopathy, are linked to health risk behavior and health problems, and I expected them to be implicated in health behaviors during the pandemic," Blagov told PsyPost.
Indeed, his study suggested a small correlation between psychopathic traits and disregard for pandemic public health policies does exist." https://t.co/0rpXplhU5X
Differences of opinion? That is for doctors. Lay don't have opinions, they have mental acuity, or mental problems. And doctor opinions are regulated by their medical associations and boards.
A tyranny of the guilds.
Yes, I saw that one. No mask = Dark Triad.
Lysenko lives.
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