Tradition is not the worship of ashes, but the preservation of fire.—Gustav Mahler

Monday, September 09, 2019

Prime Minister Johnson’s Last & Most Dangerous Ace

5 PM British Summer Time / noon Eastern Daylight Time
Setting: A transatlantic telephone call between 10 Downing Street and the Oval Office. Let’s listen in …

Boris: Mr President, Donald, I am having a bit of a rough patch—this Brexit business—the crazies want my scalp. I need to ask a favour.

Trump: Boris, I want to help you. You are my friend. But I cannot do anything for you for friendship’s sake. That said—I am all for Brexit on October 31, 2019, if not before….

Boris: I know that Donald. You don’t have to explain.

Trump: Just a moment. I do have to explain. You have to expect that Clapper’s, Comey’s, and Brennan’s friends in the United States’ national security apparatus are recording everything you and I are saying. It will eventually come out—maybe tomorrow. So I might as well get my point of view across in the future record. We—the United States—pay for NATO. We subsidize the defense of every nation in NATO and in effect, every nation in the EU. Still, the EU raises tariff walls against our goods. This relationship is unfair to me, to my voters, and to the United States. In the past, we put up with it. We did so because Europe was getting on its feet after WWII, because Europe was under threat from domestic terrorism, and, above all, from Soviet communism—but those days are now long gone. The EU is just an anti-American cabal, and, for that reason and others, I want to facilitate the UK exiting. That’s why I am inclined to help you, and if our two countries’ interests are aligned, as I see our interests, I will help you. So tell me—what is it that you’d like me to do.

Boris: I am going to be forced by Parliament to ask the EU for an extension, and then to accept any extension that the EU might offer. But here a unanimity rule applies—every EU member state (other than the UK) must support giving the UK the extension. If one EU member holds out against granting an extension, then there is no properly authorized extension for the UK to accept. In those circumstances, I will be off the hook and free to negotiate a real deal with the EU, or, at least, free to exit the EU absent any deal.

For that reason, I would like the United States to explain to our NATO allies (e.g., Latvia, Estonia, Lithuania—who are also EU members) that if they vote in support of giving the UK any extension, then all U.S. troops will be pulled out of their countries. And in that situation, the U.S. will re-evaluate its continuing participation in Article V collective defense under NATO auspices.

If we go down this path, I do not think we should do it in secret. It will come out anyway.

Trump: That’s … That’s … Why the hell didn’t my advisors come up with that idea. What the hell do I pay those guys for anyway? Was this Dominic Cummings’ idea? I want that man in DC. Yuge!Yuuge!, simply Yuuuge! Latvia, Lithuania, and Estonia—Im gonna make them an offer, they cant refuse. 


Seth Barrett Tillman, Prime Minister Johnson’s Last & Most Dangerous Ace, New Reform Club (Sept. 9, 2019, 9:19 AM), <>.

See also: Seth Barrett Tillman, The Prime Minister’s Next Ace, New Reform Club (Sept. 7, 2019, 5:12 PM), <>.

See also: Seth Barrett Tillman, Boris Johnson Still Has An Ace Or Two To Play, New Reform Club (Sept. 4, 2019, 8:37 AM), <>.


Anonymous said...
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Glenda his said...
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Unknown said...

My name is Bernada Gaspar. Out of respect for you and your spells I must make this testimony know to all. I've been to other spell casters without seeing any result, all they want was after my money. I just wished I came to you earlier, i got the best from you. My ex husband was gone for a year and I went everywhere and other spell casters for help but no result until my friend introduce me to Dr Isikolo. After the Love Spell was done, I finally got a calls from him in less than 48 hours. His spells worked wonders and my husband is back with full of love. It was like a miracle! He suddenly came back with flowers saying that i should for give him, i was truly flabbergasted and shocked when my husband kneel down begging for forgiveness and for me to accept him back. I'm really short of words and joyful, you are a God sent to me and my entire family.. And now i am a joyful woman once again. Thank you so much Dr Isikolo. To everyone who is looking for a real spell caster contact Dr.Isikolo at You can also Whatsapp him on +2348133261196

Hanny Shaphiss said...

My husband and I have been married for about 7 yrs now. We were happily married with two kids, a boy and a girl. 3 months ago, I started to notice some strange behavior from him and a few weeks later I found out that my husband is seeing someone. He started coming home late from work, he hardly care about me or the kids anymore, Sometimes he goes out and doesn't even come back home for about 5 to 4 days. I did all I could to rectify this problem but all to no avail. I became very worried and needed help. As I was browsing through the Internet one day, I came across a post that suggested that Dr OSOFO can help solve marital problems, restore broken relationships and so on. So, I felt I should give him a try. I contacted him and he did a spell for me. Two days later, my husband came to me and apologized for the wrongs he did and promise never to do it again. Ever since then, everything has returned back to normal. I and my family are living together happily again.. All thanks to Dr OSOFO . If you need a spell caster that can cast a spell that truly works, I suggest you contact him. He will not disappoint you. This is his E-mail:

WhatsApp +2349065749952  

FLORES said...

I will forever be indebted to the great Doctor TAKUTA for fixing my broken marriage after my husband left me for his mistress for 3 months. I never believed in spells until my friend introduced me to him. At first, I was skeptical about him because I heard a lots about false spell casters but I put my doubts behind me for i was desperate to get my husband back and I did according to what he instructed me to do. Now my husband is back just within 48 hours of contacting him. I'm living happily with my husband again after 6 months of divorce and I will not rest till he's known all over the world. He's also specialize in money spells, lottery spells, sickness spells E.T.C. Get connected with Doctor Takuta now, his email is or WhatsApp on +27788634102

FLORES said...

I will forever be indebted to the great Doctor TAKUTA for fixing my broken marriage after my husband left me for his mistress for 3 months. I never believed in spells until my friend introduced me to him. At first, I was skeptical about him because I heard a lots about false spell casters but I put my doubts behind me for i was desperate to get my husband back and I did according to what he instructed me to do. Now my husband is back just within 48 hours of contacting him. I'm living happily with my husband again after 6 months of divorce and I will not rest till he's known all over the world. He's also specialize in money spells, lottery spells, sickness spells E.T.C. Get connected with Doctor Takuta now, his email is or WhatsApp on +27788634102

Anonymous said...

I am very sorry to hear all these sad stories. Unfortunately, I am also in the same boat as you. My husband abandoned me and broke my heart, then he wanted to return and I left him without thinking about what had happened. Then I rested, since I could not understand it at that moment, on my return I told him that I needed time and space and, although he left, he bombarded me and did not give me the space I requested. for. Now I have had my space and time to think that we are going through a divorce. I am absolutely in pieces and I want him to come home with my son and I, but he will not, he refuses and says he cannot return with us. A real shame, since I know we could have overcome this together if we had a new beginning. I feel totally lost without him and I find myself doing nothing during the day because I am very depressed and dissatisfied with the idea of ​​never returning home. I guess this is part of the grieving process and at this moment I can't meet anyone else, at 51 years of age, I feel that you have had your life and that all available people are now those who are rejected or have been put in the shelf for your other half. I can't imagine my life with another person because I still love my husband and I don't think I can overcome this. We have been together for 15 years and married for 11 and my world has been destroyed. He is gone and apparently already has another girlfriend. It is not the same when you do not have youth by your side, I do not go out or socialize and all my friends have a partner, so I am quite alone with my son, most days I just cry and want The pain of stopping and disappearing So I decided Seeking help and fortunately for me, I saw a comment on the Internet about a great voodoo / doctor spell called AJAYI. I was destined to know that he can help me restore my home, I have no choice but to give it to him. In an attempt and to my surprise after 3 days, I received a call from my husband apologizing saying that I did not know everything that had happened thanks to Dr. Ajayi, we are happy to live together now in love and peace. If you are going through a similar love problem, don't be shy or be afraid to contact Dr. Ajayion this email: Or Whatsapp: +16318578318 said...

Hello I'm From Memphis Tennessee, USA I feel so joyful today because of the help Dr Sunny has rendered to me for getting my Husband back with his spell. I have been married for 4 years and it has been so terrible because my husband was cheating on me and was seeking for a divorce. But when i came across Dr Sunny Email, on the internet posted by a lady, i decided to get in touch with him and i explained my situation to him and then seek his help but to my greatest surprise he told me that he will help me with my case for there is no problem without a solution. Here i am celebrating because my Husband is back home and am really enjoying my marriage, what a great celebration. i will keep on testifying on the internet because Dr Sunny is truly a real spell caster. Why not contact Dr Sunny now if you are facing any challenges in your relationship life. Email Also specialize in treating all kinds of illness, HERPES VIRUS, HEPATITIS B, CANCER, AND MORE.

ashely griffth said...

I had struggle relationship with my husband in the past which led to divorce with my first husband. After i and my ex husband got divorced, i had another chance to re-marry again and just 5 years of my second marriage there was another divorce which almost killed me emotionally. I stayed for another two years been unmarried and a single mother. Honestly I wasn't really happy it because every woman need a man in her life, there was a time i saw my first husbands photo and i realized how much i loved him and have missed him. I tried to get to him but i was told that he moved on with his life and we may never been together again. I wept bitterly that night thinking i have lost the man that i have had so much love for. I asked for advise on what to do and a friend of mine gave me a contact of Dr mamudu Solution Temple, i consulted him and to his very best with his powerful spells he helped me with a Reunion Marriage Love Spell to returned my ex husband back to me, in just 9 days i had enchanter with a spiritual reunion prayers with priest Dr mamudu everything turn around for good in my life, I am now happily living with my first husband again and sort out the divorce issues. with the help of Dr mamudu temple, his a man of wisdom and care. Thanks and i appreciate all the help you have rendered to get my ex husband back into my life again. I testify here today that Dr mamudu temple is powerful it can resolve all problem in a broken relationship with love once. contact him for solutions to any kind of relationship problem. Email....(drmamudu47@gmail. com) You can also call him or add him on WhatsApp +2347061836063

Anonymous said...

HOW I GOT MY EX HUSBAND BACK WITH THE HELP OF DR Ilekhojie .......My name is Robert Jennifer, from Canada, I want to quickly tell the world that there is a real and effective online spell caster that is powerful and genuine, His name is Dr Ilekhojie , he helped me recently to reunite my relationship with my husband who left me, When i contacted Dr Ilekhojie, he cast a love spell for me, and my husband who said he doesn't have anything to do with me again, called me and started begging me to come back. he is back now with so much love and care. Today i am glad to let you all know that this spell caster have the powers to restore broken relationship and bring them back. because i am now very happy with my husband. To everyone who is reading this article and needs his help, Dr Ilekhojie can also offer any type of help like, resolving Divorce Cases, Court Cases, Death Spell, Spiritual protection. Thank you! Ilekhojies contact or call +2348147400259

T Mitchell said...

I was so delighted to meet PRIEST AZIBA after a long time looking for help in order to fix the ups and downs with my boyfriend. We lived together for two years without any problems until this year when he started seeing another girl, When I tried talking to him, he decided to leave me for her which made me so heart broken after all we have been through together, he even stopped picking up my calls and also blocked me from calling him. I love him dearly and couldn't accept losing him that's why I decided to seek help from PRIEST AZIBA through his number +2348100368288, he helped me quickly in one day and as I speak my boyfriend is back to me with lots of love and respect like never before. Am expecting more good things to happen in our relationship.
Get in contact with PRIEST AZIBA and He's also specialize in money spells, lottery spells, sickness spells E.T.C. Get connected Email: Or WhatsApp : +2348100368288

Donna Greg said...

Hello everyone reading this testimony. I have been rejected by my husband after three(3) years of marriage just because another woman had a spell on him and he left me and the kid to suffer. One day when I was reading through the web, I saw a post on how this spell caster Dr Oniha have help a woman to get back her husband and I gave him a reply to his address and he told me that a woman had a spell on my husband and he told me that he will help me and after 3 days that I will have my husband back. I believed him and today I am glad to let you all know that this spell caster have the power to bring lovers back because I am now happy with my husband. Thanks for His great work here is email: Or call his number +16692213962. Contact Dr Oniha and get your relationship problem solved.

Unknown said...

An amazing testimony on a spell caster who brought my wife back to me.. My name is Andy Corey and I`m happily married to a lovely and caring wife,with three kids A very big problem occurred in my family seven months ago,between me and my wife so terrible that she took the case to court for a divorce she said that she never wanted to stay with me again,and that she did not love me anymore So she packed out of my house and made me and my children passed through severe pain. I tried all my possible means to get her back,after much begging,but all to no avail and she confirmed it that she has made her decision,and she never wanted to see me again. So on one evening,as i was coming back from work,i met an old friend of mine who asked of my wife So i explained every thing to her,so she told me that the only way i can get my wife back,is to visit a spell caster,because it has really worked for her too So i never believed in spell,but i had no other choice,than to follow her advice. Then she gave me the email address of the spell caster whom she visited.{ }. So the next morning,i sent a mail to the address she gave to me,and the spell caster assured me that i will get my wife back the next two days what an amazing statement!! I never believed,so he spoke with me,and told me everything that i needed to do. Within 48hours, So surprisingly, my wife who did not call me for the past seven months,gave me a call to inform me that she was coming back. So Amazing!! So that was how she came back that same day,with lots of love and joy,and she apologized for her mistake,and for the pain she caused me and my children. Then from that day,our relationship was now stronger than how it were before,by the help of a spell caster . So, i will advice you out there to kindly visit the same email address { }, OR you can contact him on Whatsapp +31684065675  if you are in any condition like this,or you have any problem related to "bringing your ex back. Thanks to Dr Ayoola for his help.

Jackson said...

My name is Henry Lender,I base in USA.i want to share my wonderful testimony on how i got back my ex-lover back, who i sworn to be with until when he left me for another woman for no reason and i try to make things work for both of us yet things where getting worse and i love him so much and there is nothing i could do to get my ex back until i met a testimony share by Ann from UK on the internet talking about a powerful spell caster who brought his ex lover back within few days and i decide to give it a try and to my greatest surprise he also did it for me just as he did for Ann and i have a lot of people complaining of fake spell caster but this one i met was a real spell caster who help me to solve my problem i have no solution to,i introduce many of my best friends that have a similar problems,and their problem were solve with the great help of dr.Aziza.they get back their ex within few days as well.i am so happy that my ex is back to me again,and the most surprise thing,is that our love is very strong,every day is happiness and joy. and there is nothing like been with the man you love.i am so happy my love is back to me with the help of Dr.Aziza.if you have similar problem i will advice you to contact him ,he is there to help you and put a smile on your face as he did for me and email( or or call +2347087771434) what will have become of me if not for Dr Aziza.once again thank you sir

Michael David. said...

When I found Dr. OSOFO I was in desperate need of bringing my ex lover back. He left me for another man. It happened so fast and I had no say in the situation at all. He just dumped me after 3 years with no explanation. I contact Dr.OSOFO through his website and He told me me what i need to do before he can help me and i did what he told me to, after i provided what he wanted, he cast a love spell to help us get back together. Shortly after he did his spell, my boyfriend started texting me again and felt horrible for what  he just put me through. He said that I was the most important person in his life and he knows that now. We moved in together and he was more open to me than before and then he started spending more time with me  than before. Ever since Dr. OSOFO helped me, my partner is very stable, faithful and closer to me than before. I highly recommends Dr. OSOFO to anyone in need of help. Email:    Call him or add him on whatsapp via: +2349065749952   

sherry rays said...

Powerful Love Spell- Get Your Ex Wife/Husband Back Urgently.., I want to quickly tell the world that there is a real online spell caster that is powerful and genuine, his name is Dr ojoka he helped me recently to reunite my Marriage back with my wife who left me, When i contacted Dr ojoka he cast an urgent love spell for me, and my wife who said she doesn't have anything to do with me again called me and started begging me to come back. she is back now with so much love and care. today i am glad to let you all know that this spell caster have the powers to restore broken marriage/relationship back. because i am now happy with my wife. to anyone who is reading this article and needs any help, Dr ojoka can also offer any type of help like, Curing of all types of Diseases, Court Cases, Pregnancy Spell, urgent love spell,Spiritual protection and lot's more. You can contact him Via his email drojokaspelltemple@gmail .com for more info, whatsapp/call...+2348144172934  

Powerful Love Spell- Get Your Ex Wife/Husband Back Urgently.., I want to quickly tell the world that there is a real online spell caster that is powerful and genuine, his name is Dr ojoka he helped me recently to reunite my Marriage back with my wife who left me, When i contacted Dr ojoka he cast an urgent love spell for me, and my wife who said she doesn't have anything to do with me again called me and started begging me to come back. she is back now with so much love and care. today i am glad to let you all know that this spell caster have the powers to restore broken marriage/relationship back. because i am now happy with my wife. to anyone who is reading this article and needs any help, Dr ojoka can also offer any type of help like, Curing of all types of Diseases, Court Cases, Pregnancy Spell, urgent love spell,Spiritual protection and lot's more. You can contact him Via his email drojokaspelltemple@gmail .com for more info, whatsapp/call...+2348144172934  

Powerful Love Spell- Get Your Ex Wife/Husband Back Urgently.., I want to quickly tell the world that there is a real online spell caster that is powerful and genuine, his name is Dr ojoka he helped me recently to reunite my Marriage back with my wife who left me, When i contacted Dr ojoka he cast an urgent love spell for me, and my wife who said she doesn't have anything to do with me again called me and started begging me to come back. she is back now with so much love and care. today i am glad to let you all know that this spell caster have the powers to restore broken marriage/relationship back. because i am now happy with my wife. to anyone who is reading this article and needs any help, Dr ojoka can also offer any type of help like, Curing of all types of Diseases, Court Cases, Pregnancy Spell, urgent love spell,Spiritual protection and lot's more. You can contact him Via his email drojokaspelltemple@gmail .com for more info, whatsapp/call...+2348144172934  

Anonymous said...

My name is Belinda from France last month, my fiancée and I had a quarrel and he told me that he was no longer interested in the relationship and wanted us to break up and our marriage was approaching, it was because that I told him that he had changed and no longer does what he usually does like walking hand in hand in the parks, calling to watch me and anything else that makes our relationship sweet. I begged him to forgive me but he was deaf to my calls and even moved house, it made me seek help from different sources. I was watching when I saw the testimony of a lady who said that a caster called Dr. Ajayi helped her with her marital problems because she was looking for the fruit of the womb and was able to conceive with l With the help of the caster called Dr. Ajayi, now she and her husband live together happily. I contacted the caster and I wrote on WhatsApp and I explained to him, he told me some things to do and to my surprise my fiancé John called me and asked for forgiveness and said he never knew what was happening to him. , all thanks to Dr Ajayi I am now married and expecting my first child. If you are having a relationship problem that you need help with, contact Dr Ajayi today for a quick fix, at first I thought it was wrong until I tried and it worked for me and I know it will work for you too. You can reach the caster by e-mail: or Whatsapp: +2347084887094

micheal pan said...

I just want the whole world to know about this spell caster I met
two weeks ago, I cannot say everything he has done for me my wife
left me 3 years ago left with my kids I was going through online
when I meant this wonderful man's testimony online I decided to
give it a try and my wife is back to me now and we ar1e happily
married again cause is too much to put in writing all I can say is
thank you very much am very happy .and does alot of spell
including Love Spell
Death Spell
Money Spell
Power Spell
Success Spell
Sickness Spell
Pregnancy Spell
Marriage Spell
Job Spell
Protection Spell
Lottery Spell
Court Case Spell
Luck Spell etc. In case you need his help contact him on this email
address he is a good man

Hanna Rosin said...

HOW I GOT MY EX HUSBAND BACK WITH THE HELP OF REAL AND EFFECTIVE SPELL FROM DR Osasu My name is Olivia Jayden, I never thought I will smile again, My husband left me with two kids for one year, All effort to bring him back failed I thought I'm not going to see him again not until I met a lady called Jesse who told me about a spell caster called Dr. Osasu , She gave me his email address and mobile number and I contacted him and he assured me that within 48hours my husband will come back to me, In less than 48hours my husband came back started begging for forgiveness saying it is the devils work, so I'm still surprise till now about this miracle,i couldn't conceive but as soon as the spell was cast,i became pregnant and gave birth to my third child,if you need any assistance from him you can contact him via:email: Or WhatsApp or call him now:
+2347064365391 . Dr.Osasu also cures: 1. HIV / AIDS 2. HERPES 1/2 3. CANCER 4. ALS (Lou Gehrig’s disease) 5. Hepatitis B

William Annie said...

Hi Guys I'm so excited to share this testimony on how i got my ex husband back after a divorce

I have been married for 5 years and i have a break up with my husband 3 months ago and i was worried and so confuse because i love him so much. i was really going too depressed and a friend directed me to this spell caster Dr Azuka on his email ( and i made all my problems known to him and he told me not to worry that he was going to make my husband to come back to me and in just 24 hours i receive a call from my husband and he was appealing that i should come back to the house. I have never in my life believe in spell but now he has just helped me out to be a fulfill woman and i am now so happy. All Thanks to Dr Azuka and if you also want to have your husband back to yourself contact Dr Azuka i am so happy to testify of the good work and kindness.. or add him up on whats-app +44 7520 636249  

Robbie Payton said...

I rarely share my story with people, not only because it put me at the lowest point ever but because it made me a person of ridicule among family and friends. I put all I had into Binary Options ($690,000) after hearing great testimonies about this new investment

 strategy. I was made to believe my investment would triple, it started good and I got returns (not up to what I had invested). Gathered more and involved a couple family members, but I didn't know I was setting myself up for the kill, in less than no time all we had put ($820,000) was gone. It almost seem I had set them up, they came at me strong and hard. After searching and looking for how to make those scums pay back, I got introduced to to WhatsApp her +15623847738.who helped recover about 80% of my lost funds within a month.

larry dina said...

My husband left me for another woman after one year of our marriage. I needed him back desperately because i loved him so much. I became very worried and needed help. On this faithful day  as i was browsing through the internet, I came across a particular testimony about this good DR IROSI help get ex back fast and stop a divorce or breakup and so on , So I felt I should give him a try. I contacted him and he told me what to do and i did it then he did a (return Love spell) for me. 28 hours later, my husband came back to me crying and begging for my forgiveness. Today I’m so happy and i want to recommend this great spell caster to anyone that truly needs an urgent solution to his or her broken relationships and marriage email him at:(DRIROSISOLUTIONCENTER@GMAIL.COM) Simply contact the great “DR IROSI” If you have any problem contact him and i guarantee you that he will help you., do not cry anymore-contact this powerful spell caster now. Thank you DR IROSI for saving my broken relationships and brought my husband back to me!” email him at: (DRIROSISOLUTIONCENTER@GMAIL.COM) or call/whatsapp him via: +2348118829771.    

Anonymous said...

This comment i Susan is placing is not like the day by day advert you read online before!! Its a comment that you must read to avoid been ripped off and know the real spell caster on earth God sent to change and turn lives around without any harm / side effect.
I am so over joyful as my month can not start to say all that really happened, It happened when i saw Ajayi advert online talking about been the best when there are so many spell casters online that i have used that has failed me.I spent almost close to $8000 dollars online for those spell casters that ripped me off my money without any result. But when i saw Dr Ajayi advert online saying that there is no spell caster like him and so many other testimonies about him from various people and from various countries in the world were it was written that ololo spell temple is the best that there is non to be compared to his work, Already i have personally take a decision never to apply to any spell caster online again after loosing such amount of funds on line to those scammers.But i don’t really know what drew my spirit / attention to that advert online that faithful afternoon, { I call it a faithful afternoon because all i desire was granted to me. } There was an email at the end of his advert and on the good comment from the FBI and various people about him, I decided to send him an email telling him my problem about my lost job, money that i have lost to scammers and also having problems with the love of my life that i want to get married to. After some few minutes i received an email from him that contain the spell application form that i filled out and he told me that to get my spell casted that i will have to get some items that i could not get here when i went in-search for it. He said if i can not get the items, That is going to cost me an amount of just $390 dollars for my kind of case that i told him about which i doubted to be another scam online, As i have read so many tips online that money should not be sent to someone you do not know via western union / money gram payment information’s. And Dr Ajayi insisted that i will be sending money to his messenger via this wire means. I was so skeptical because i was scammed in such a way of $700 dollars before,But this same spirits that attracted me to his advert told me inside again that this spell caster is real and noting but real that i should go ahead and send him the amount since i know that there is no how i can get the items that he told me that will be needed for my case. I sent him the charges through his messenger to please help me get the item with the money to get my spell casted.He promised me that in the next 5 to 7 hours that i will start to see results after the spell has been casted to get the love of my life back and others. I could not believe this because i have really been scammed and ripped off too many times for me to just believe till it works. To be sincere i almost faint as i was filled with so much excitement and happiness when my lost lover for over almost 9 months call was entering my phone and i picked the call were he ask if we can see to take things over and also my boss called me to tell me to come for training on my terminated job also due to too many thinking that in the office that result to it. Then in the next 2 days the FBI called to tell me that they have been able to get the scammer that is with my money. I am so proud and happy to spread the good-news about this man because he surprised me in his wonderful and powerfully work that restored back to me my heart desires. One thing that i also loved about this man is that he is understandable and he reduce or negotiate how much you can get for the work you want him to help you with. You want to meet with this great,most powerful spell caster that is 100% scam free,Just send your emails to this email: as you will get help from him without any disappointment.

Heler Forall said...

I am Dr.heler forallproblesms a ( Spell Caster ) and Traditional spiritual healer, do you need any spiritual power to solve your problems, Marriage Issue?, Relationship Issue? me bellow for any assistance.

Whatsap +1(773)960-8669
Facebook page    


I want to testify about a great spell caster that help me cast a spell that bring my husband back to me without any delay. I broke up with him with just little misunderstanding hoping we will get back shortly,but things was growing worse until i contacted Dr,Akpos who help me with his historical powers to bring him back, i have never believed in a spell caster until i come across him, it will be of great sin if i should go out from here without dropping the contact of this great spell caster, in case you need the help of this great spell caster you can contact him through his email: once you contact him all your problems will be over ,once again i say very big thanks to you sir for helping me to recover my husband back, and please sir keep your good work because people need your help and in their lives ,once more thank you Dr,Akpos

contact him via;
Add him on whatsapp +15199628633. said...

Hello I'm From Memphis Tennessee, USA I feel so joyful today because of the help Dr  Sunny has rendered to me for  getting my Husband back with his spell. I have been married for 4 years and it has been so terrible because my husband was cheating on me and was seeking for a divorce. But when i came across Dr Sunny Email, on the internet posted by a lady, i decided to get in touch with him and i explained my situation to him and then seek his help but to my greatest surprise he told me that he will help me with my case for there is no problem without a solution. Here i am celebrating because my Husband is back home and am really enjoying my marriage, what a great celebration. i will keep on testifying on the internet because Dr Sunny is truly a real spell caster. Why not contact Dr Sunny now if you are facing any challenges in your relationship life. Email Also specialize i1) love Spell
2) Spells divorce

caine danett said...

thanks to Dr oriane, who cured me of Fallopian tube blockage and fibroid. i married for over 5 years without a child of my own. because of the problem with my Fallopian tube and fibroid, until i came in contact with Dr oriane testimony and recommendations online, on how he has cured and healed so many people of the same problem and i decided to contact him,and explain my situation to him,few days later he sent me some herbal portion which i took for 31 days, and i became pregnant after taking dr oriane herbal medicine in three months time. in case you want to reach him for a similar problem, you can contact him on his email: for advice and for his product    or via whats app at +2349031652461

Osita Ada said...

Most traditional methods of roots and herbs today have been scientifically proven to cure almost all drugs resistant diseases without after effect.
It worked for me years ago when I was depressed with herpes. After trying numerous other methods, It was actually an old Ibo lady who brought to my notice the healing effect of natural medicines. She too was permanently cured from HERPES long time ago through Dr Utu @ "" who among few, specialises in African roots and herbs for medicinal cure. Apparently roots and herbs have well been known as effective key treatment for herpes. She introduced me to Dr Utu who till date remain my savior, and he truly cleared my doubt. After taking his medication on the fourth week, I contacted him again who asked me to go for test and I was negative. From then till now I do my normal business no outbreak. I may not be a herbal fan but it definitely worked for me!

deebraJ said...

“My life is back!!! After 14 years of Broken marriage, my husband left me and our two twins. I felt like my life was about to end i almost committed suicide, i was emotionally down for a very long time. but thanks to a spell caster called Dr Ehi whom i met online on one faithful day as I was browsing through the internet searching for a good spell caster that can solve my problems I came across allot of testimonies about this particular spell caster. Some people testified that he brought their Ex lover back, some testified that he restores womb,cure herpes and other sickness, some testified that he can cast a spell to stop divorce and so on. i also came across one particular testimony, it was about a woman called Sonia, she testified about how Dr Ehi brought back her Ex lover in less than 7 days and reverse the effect of their little boys cancer, and at the end of her testimony she dropped Dr Ehi 's e-mail address. After reading all these, I decided to give Dr Ehi a try. I contacted him via email and explained my problem to him. And in just 3 days my husband came back to me and we solved our issues, and we are even happier than before. Dr Ehi is really a gifted man and i will not stop publishing him because he is a wonderful man... If you have a problem and you are looking for a real and genuine spell caster to solve all your problems for you. Try Dr Ehi anytime, he might be the answer to your problems. Here's his contact {} or WhatsApp him via his contact below +2349035080936 Thank you Dr Ehi. 

Unknown said...

I have something to share with you!!! There is a great joy in my heart which I want to share with everyone. My name is SHERRY . I had a misunderstanding with my lover last year which led us to break up and he never wanted to hear my voice again. He saw a beautiful woman which he find more prettier than me, but as time went on I met Dr. Iyoha . He is a great spell caster (medicine man ). I contacted him through his email and explained everything to him. He said that I shouldn't worry, that my lover will come back to me on his knees begging for forgiveness. After everything was prepared he told me that my lover will come to me within 48 hours begging. My greatest joy now is that he actually came back to me and fell on his knees begging for forgiveness, and today we are happy. Do you have any problem with your loved one? you don't know what to do? worry no more because Dr. Iyoha can provide you with a love spell to get him or her back just the way he helped me. So friends my advise is if you have such sickness or any other at all you can contact Dr Iyoha for help via email: Or call him through his mobile: +1 (407) 337-9869 Thanks once again Dr Iyoha.

lisa said...


Anonymous said...

I’m so excited because my broken marriage has been restored & my husband is back after he left me and our 2 kids for another woman. After 8 years of marriage, me and my husband has been into one quarrel or the other until he finally left me and moved to California to be with another woman. i felt my life was over and my kids thought they would never see their father again. i tried to be strong just for the kids but i could not control the pains that torments my heart, my heart was filled with sorrows and pains because i was really in love with my husband. Every day and night i think of him and always wish he would come back to me, I was really upset and i needed help, so i searched for help online and I came across a website that suggested that DR.Osasu can help get ex back fast. So, I felt I should give him a try. I contacted him and he told me what to do and i did it then he did a (Love spell) for me. 28 hours later, my husband really called me and told me that he miss me and the kids so much, So Amazing!! So that was how he came back that same day,with lots of love and joy,and he apologized for his mistake,and for the pain he caused me and the kids. Then from that day,our Marriage was now stronger than how it were before,All thanks to DR.Osasu . he is so powerful and i decided to share my story on the internet that DR.Osasu real and powerful spell caster who i will always pray to live long to help his children in the time of trouble, if you are here and you need your Ex back or your husband moved to another woman, do not cry anymore, contact this powerful spell caster now. Here’s his contact: Email him at:Account: , you can also call him or add him on Whats-app: +2347064365391,THANKS TO DR. Osasu

Cheap Flights said...
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my partner and I have been trying for a baby for over two years now, We were going to a fertility clinic for about 5 months before somebody at baby center told us to contact this spell caster who is so powerful, We contacted him at this email; or Facebook at priest.babaka , for him to help us, then we told him our problem, he told us that we will conceive once we follow his instructions ,but after two years of trying we were at a point where we were willing to try anything. And I'm glad we came to Priest Babaka, Because his pregnancy spell cast and herbal remedy help us, and I honestly believe him, and his gods really helped us as well, I am thankful for all he has done. contact him via email: or Facebook at priest.babaka if you are trying to have a baby or want your lover back. he has powers to do it, he has done mine

Anonymous said...

Strong And Powerful Love Spell To Win Your Ex Back.. I have decided that i am going to spend the whole day on the internet just to make sure that a lot of people are able to read this my testimony about Dr.happy who is a powerful spell caster from Africa, After been abandon by my lover i was so lonely that very day that i decided to go through the net for some relationships tips, I never knew that this was the road map that will secure the return of my lover. After reading a lot of tips on how to restore my relationship in a more better way i discovered that Dr.happy has a lot of recommendation than other spell casters, So with this i had my mind made up that Dr.happy was the right person for the job, And i contacted Dr.happy through his details which i saw on the internet and i was so happy that i chose to work with Dr.happy because his work was 100% perfect and the spell brought my lover back to me with fast relief you can also contact him for help now email..
Whatsapp/cal +2348133873774

Anonymous said...

Strong And Powerful Love Spell To Win Your Ex Back.. I have decided that i am going to spend the whole day on the internet just to make sure that a lot of people are able to read this my testimony about Dr.happy who is a powerful spell caster from Africa, After been abandon by my lover i was so lonely that very day that i decided to go through the net for some relationships tips, I never knew that this was the road map that will secure the return of my lover. After reading a lot of tips on how to restore my relationship in a more better way i discovered that Dr.happy has a lot of recommendation than other spell casters, So with this i had my mind made up that Dr.happy was the right person for the job, And i contacted Dr.happy through his details which i saw on the internet and i was so happy that i chose to work with Dr.happy because his work was 100% perfect and the spell brought my lover back to me with fast relief you can also contact him for help now email..
Whatsapp/cal +2348133873774


I am so Happy to be writing this article in here, i am here to explore blogs forum about the wonderful and most safe cure for HERPES SIMPLEX VIRUS . I was positive to the deadly Virus called HERPES and i lost hope completely because i was rejected even by my closet friends. i searched online to know and inquire about cure for HERPES and i saw Dr EDES testimony online on how he was cured so many persons from Herpes Disease. so i decided to contact the great herbalist because i know that nature has the power to heal everything. i contacted him to know how he can help me and he told me never to worry that he will help me with the natural herbs from God! after 2 days of contacting him, he told me that the cure has been ready and he sent it to me via FEDEX or DHL and it got to me after 4 days! i used the medicine as he instructed me (MORNING and EVENING) and i was cured! its really like a dream but i'm so happy! that's the reason i decided to also add more comment of Him so that more people can be saved just like me! and if you need his help,contact his Email: ( you can contact him on whatsapp +2348151937428 BLOG
He also cure the below listed sickness;
(9) ASTHMA...

Unknown said...

Dr ILUNAMIEN has really be so wonderful to me i will always testify of his greatness in my life who could have believe Dr ilunamien herbal herbs cured me from my herpes virus which i was having for the past 4 year,i came across Dr. ILUNAMIEN on a page of how to treat virus and i saw a lot of testimony of how great Dr ILUNAMIEN has helped them in there various problems and situations and his mobile numbers were also on each testimony +2348155204816
to contact him, because i needed help to get rid of my herpes virus i wrote him on whats app and told him what i was passing through!dear friends all Dr ILUNAMIEN ask me was not much to make sure am cured from my herpes virus, remember health is wealth, he sent me a herbal remedy for the cure of my herpes virus i was so much happy because after drinking the herbs as i was instructed by him i went to the hospital for checkup to my surprise my herpes result came out negative i will recommend Dr. ILUNAMIEN to anyone who need his help you can also whatsapp him +2348155204816
...Thanks dr..



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