Tradition is not the worship of ashes, but the preservation of fire.—Gustav Mahler

Monday, May 13, 2019

What The Irish Times Will Print About White Americans

May 13, 2019
Letters Editor
The Irish Times

Re: Una Mullally, Eroding reproductive rights part of white America’s cruelty playbookThe Irish Times (May 13, 2019), <>

Ms Mullally wrote that “Everything comes back to race in America, that is true. But everything also comes back to white American cruelty.” If this statement, along with several others like it in the same editorial, are not straight-up anti-white bigotry, what is? Would Ms Mullally or other writers at The Irish Times be willing to pick any another racial or ethnic group, i.e., a group other than “whites,” and proceed to say “everything” wrong with some other society “comes back to” that group’s behaviour, much less its “cruelty”? I doubt it. And if this sort of writing is acceptable at The Irish Times as a standard which applies exclusively to “white” people, then certain conclusions will naturally follow. Indeed, they must follow. 


Seth Barrett Tillman, What The Irish Times Will Print About White Americans, New Reform Club (May 13, 2019, 5:14 PM), <>.

Seth Barrett Tillman, Letter to the Editor, ‘White America’s cruelty playbook,’ The Irish Times, May 15, 2019, at 13, <>. 

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Mike said...

Well, since a lot of us whites are of Irish descent, I guess Ms. Mulally shares in our evil.

jimd8235 said...

Boy, she sure is a pretty stupid Mick.

John Fembup said...

"Re: Una Mullally, Eroding reproductive rights part of white America’s cruelty playbook"

So Mullally's beef is that Americans don't unanimously support her term for killing babies before they're born as "reproductive rights". In her odd mind, allowing the baby to live is "cruelty" while killing it is, I suppose, her idea of kindness.

I can live with that sort of "cruelty".

megapotamus said...

Abortion kills these commies before they can say or write a word. Think about it.

Anonymous said...

If you think the whites in America are bad, you ought to get a taste of the one's who are still in Ireland!

Unknown said...

Well you know they are just a bunch of car-bomb happy thieving drunks, at least that's what the Brits told me...

richard mcenroe said...

Remind me again why we should up their immigration quota...

Anonymous said...

One might say that a higher number of blacks committing crimes is a form of cruelty. So naturally it's not their fault. It's the fault of cruel whites. But then the question becomes, whose fault is it that white Americans are cruel? What horrible thing was done to them to cause them to become cruel?

Iman said...

The Irish are primarily fire-bombin', baby rapin', Bernadette Devlin-lovin' priest humpers.

veni vidi vici said...

Mulally must be black Irish

JMW Turner said...

This white Irish fool considers white Irish Americans "cruel" by nature: ya know, it's always about "evil" American values.

Fred Z said...

By strange coincidence I was in Ireland for the first time visiting a cousin and picked the Irish Times rag up for a quick read while on a bus tour. It was the issue in question.

It stank of smug upper middle class country club faux communism. Utterly disgusting. The whole country seems to be like that.

Alphaeus said...

I knew we never should have taken down all those "No Irish Allowed" signs.

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