Tradition is not the worship of ashes, but the preservation of fire.—Gustav Mahler

Sunday, May 19, 2019

Thaddeus Stevens Remembered

Rep. Fernando Wood (Dem-NY): I’ve asked you a question, Mr. Stevens, and you must answer me. Do you or do you not hold that the precept that “All men are created equal” is meant literally? Is that not the true purpose of the [13th] [A]mendment? To promote your ultimate and ardent dream to elevate ...
Rep. Thaddeus Stevens (Repub.-PA): The true purpose of the amendment, Mr. Wood, you perfectly named, brainless obstructive object ...
Rep. Wood: Now you have always insisted, Mr. Stevens, that Negroes are the same as white men are.
Rep. Stevens: The true purpose of the amendment ... I don’t hold with equality in all things, only with equality before the law. Nothing more.
Rep. Wood: That’s ... That’s not so. You believe that Negroes are entirely equal to white men. You’ve said it a thousand times!
Rep. George Pendleton (Dem-Ohio): For shame! For shame! Stop prevaricating and answer Representative Wood!
Rep. Stevens: I don’t hold with equality in all things, only with equality before the law.
Rep. Pendleton: After the decades of fervent advocacy ...
Rep. Ashley (Repub.-Ohio): He’s answered your questions! This amendment’s not to do with race equality.
Rep. Stevens: I don’t hold with equality in all things, only with equality before the law, and nothing more!
Mrs. Lincoln: Who’d ever have guessed that old nightmare capable of such control? He might make a politician someday.
Mrs. Keckley: I need to go.
Rep. Pendleton: Your frantic attempt to delude us now is unworthy of a Representative. It is, in fact, unworthy of a white man!
Rep. Stevens: How can I hold that all men are created equal when here before me stands, stinking, the moral carcass of the gentleman from Ohio, proof that some men are inferior, endowed by their Maker with dim wits, impermeable to reason, with cold, pallid slime in their veins instead of hot, red blood! You are more reptile than man, George! So low and flat that the foot of man is incapable of crushing you.
Rep. Pendleton: How dare you?
Rep. Stevens: Yet even you, Pendleton, who should have been gibbeted for treason long before today. Even worthless, unworthy you ought to be treated equally before the law! And so again, sir, again and again and again I say, I do not hold with equality in all things, only with equality before the law. 

Seth Barrett Tillman, Thaddeus Stevens Remembered, New Reform Club (May 19, 2019, 7:45 AM), <>.  

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Anonymous said...

Love the putdown: this would apply to most DemocRATS today

Quartermaster said...

Stevens was a midwit and was an odious man in life. He was certainly not an asset to the Republican Party, or of the United States as a whole. He showed what he acted as he did, pushing the unconstitutional Tenure in Office act, which was the excuse the radical pubbies used to impeach Johnson.

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