Mensch tracht, un Gott lacht

Monday, January 28, 2019

Trump and Our Medieval Elites

Professor AAA: “I’m inclined to stick with the argument that Professor BBB and I made that Trump is significantly worse than any of our past worthies.”

Jackson: Trail of Tears.
Wilson allowed the civil service to become (re)segregated, and according to some, he actively facilitated and supported that process. [And just why were we in WWI?]
FDR: 100,000+ Japanese-Americans detained. German-Americans and Italian-Americans had special curfews.
Nixon: [___]

But Trump is worse?

Has Trump started a major land war in Asia absent congressional consent? I must have missed that. I might agree that Trump’s rhetoric is coarse, but I think actual deeds matter more. Exactly what has Trump done—singly or collectively—that can compare to the presidents listed above?

Professor AAA—If you cannot answer that question—should I not conclude that George Will’s and your objection to Trump is largely rooted in Trump’s rejection and his supporters’ rejection of elite wordsmiths laying claim to a monopoly of wisdom and power?

It all reminds of the history of the Middle Ages in England when the common lawyers first sought judicial and crown administrative positions, which up to then had been the preserve of churchmen. The churchmen did not think much of the common lawyers; the churchmen thought they had a prescriptive entitlement to a monopoly on such posts—and that the common lawyers were (to use your term) “mountebanks.”

I think the various kings and queens were more interested in efficiency and success. I know I am.


Seth Barrett Tillman, Trump and Our Medieval Elites, New Reform Club (Jan. 28, 2019, 7:19 AM), <>. 

Welcome Instapundit Readers!


Shootist said...

Efficiency in government is not something one should wish for but otherwise dead on.

TPS said...

Let's say efficiency in the marketplace and success for your country. A pithy essay, indeed.

Theodore P. Savas

Tom Grey said...

Actions and Results are FAR more important than words, especially for somebody trying to make a deal.
Trump has helped the US achieve the lowest unemployment rate, and the lowest black unemployment, in 50 years.
That's a great result, from his tax cut and trade negotiation actions, including threatening a trade war (against prior unfair trade against the US).
Best President since Reagan -- as these Profs will probably start concluding when there is another Rep Pres. Just as they probably talk about how good McCain was, or how much more mature than Trump is, and was, Bush 43. Who they hated while he was Pres.