Tradition is not the worship of ashes, but the preservation of fire.—Gustav Mahler

Wednesday, November 28, 2018

The LA Incident: A "Disturbingly Ordinary Part of the American Scene"?

In a discussion on Conlawprof about an alleged attack on Jews in Los Angeles by a Somali immigrant, I wrote:

To say, as Professor BBB does, that the Los Angeles incident is a “disturbingly ordinary part[] of the American scene” might be true in the sense of American territory—where it happened. Whether it is true in the broader cultural sense might depend on how long the alleged immigrant-wrongdoer was in the country, and to what extent (if at all) he integrated with wider American cultural norms. If he was only here a short time, and if he was not meaningfully integrated into the wider American community, then I do not see why we should call this incident “part of the American scene.”

Professor BBB asks“what more follows”? One might say that we do not pick and choose or get to pick and choose, in ordinary times, who our fellow citizens are (naturalization excepted). We do get to pick and choose who we let into the country, [who we prosecute], and also who we deport for wrongdoing. See, e.g., Seth Barrett Tillman, The Tale of the Swedish Prosecutor, the Citizen, and the Human Being, New Reform Club (Dec. 3, 2015, 8:52 AM) <>.


Welcome Instapundit readers. Feel free to look around New Reform Clubmy co-bloggers do good work!

Seth Barrett Tillman, The LA Incident: A “Disturbingly Ordinary Part of the American Scene”?, New Reform Club (Nov. 28, 2018, 1:24 AM) <>. 



Anonymous said...

But does not the typical American scene now include illegal aliens just about rubbing shoulders with citizens in any metro area of a hundred thousand or more souls, which comprises the majority of our population? Anywhere there are lawns to be cut, meat factories to staff, kids to be nanny'd, or illegal drugs to be moved, we've got illegals.

babs said...

I try very hard NOT to hire people here illegally.Sometimes that is impossible as the business owner haS A LICENSE and his employees don't.