Tradition is not the worship of ashes, but the preservation of fire.—Gustav Mahler

Wednesday, May 10, 2017

How Seth Barrett Tillman Has From Time To Time Been The Recipient Of Undeserved Goodwill For Being Irish

But see, e.g., Zephyr Teachout, The Anti-Corruption Principle, 94 Cornell L. Rev. 341, 354, 361–62 (2009) (arguing that the Foreign Emoluments Clause applies to members of Congress); id. at 366 (arguing that the Foreign Emoluments Clause applies to the presidency); Norman L. Eisen & Richard W. Painter, Trump Could Be in Violation of the Constitution His First Day in Office, The Atlantic, Dec. 7, 2016, (“The [Foreign] Emoluments Clause applies to all persons holding an office of trust or profit with the United States government—no exceptions. It applies to the president, the vice president, and the members of Congress. No one is above the law.”). 


Citation: Seth Barrett Tillman, How Seth Barrett Tillman Has From Time To Time Been The Recipient Of Undeserved Goodwill For Being Irish, The New Reform Club (May 10, 2017, 6:12 AM),

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