Tradition is not the worship of ashes, but the preservation of fire.—Gustav Mahler

Monday, September 19, 2016

The Irish Courts

Seth Barrett Tillman, Has the Irish Court of Appeal Solved the Judicial Backlog? Can it?, 34(14) Irish Law Times 210–12 (2016) (available on, (abstract only, but a copy will be posted on SSRN circa October 2, 2016). 

Connor Gallagher, Court of Appeal backlog ‘could take over a decade to clear’, The Irish Times, Sept. 19, 2016, 1:00 AM, at 6, (quoting Tillman interview extensively, and quoting Tillman’s article in Irish Law Times). 

Mark Tighe & Catherine Sanz, Half of cases overturned on appeal, The Sunday Times (Irish ed.), Sept. 18, 2016, at 1–2, (quoting Tillman interview extensively, and quoting Tillman’s article in Irish Law Times) (available on Nexis).  

Mark Tighe & Catherine Sanz, How we scraped for data on appeal decisions, The Sunday Times (Irish ed.), Sept. 18, 2016, at 6, (quoting Tillman interview) (available on Nexis).


Twitter: ( @SethBTillman ) 

My prior post: Seth Barrett Tillman, The European Parliament’s 2016 Sakharov Prize for Freedom of Thought, The New Reform Club (Sept. 18, 2016, 4:38 PM), 

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