Tradition is not the worship of ashes, but the preservation of fire.—Gustav Mahler

Friday, September 09, 2016

Remembering The Old Days

Setting. Chicago. Michigan Avenue. Circa 1990. A brisk Autumn Sunday.

Jonathan & S walking past the Art Institute. Stopped by two college students conducting impromptu interviews with video and audio.

Interviewer (speaking to Jonathan): Are you aware that multinational corporations are conducting far reaching research to alter the genetics of plants and other organisms? So called GMO research. Do you think such research safe? Do you think profit-driven corporations should be free to conduct such research?

Jonathan: Yes, in fact, I am aware of such research. I am entirely for it. Such research has the possibility of improving the human condition by quantum jumps, and it is easy to overstate the downside risks, which can be attenuated though insurance. I am entirely for continuing America’s rich tradition of scientific research.

[the two interviewers were somewhat crestfallen]

Interviewer (now speaking to S): And you, sir—do you agree with your friend: do you think scientists should be left entirely free to conduct GMO research?

S: Well, no, I don’t agree with my friend. I don’t think scientists should be left entirely free to conduct such research ....

[the two interviewers breathing heavy sighs of relief]

(continuing): ... they should only research along the lines their corporate VPs for research approve. As to the dangers of GMO research ... not really a worry.... 

[exit laughing]


Twitter: ( @SethBTillman )


Anonymous said...

Need a venture capitalist swooping in and asking for connections

Tom Van Dyke said...

Stopped by two college students conducting impromptu interviews with video and audio

social science = #MoreSocialThanScience

Rich Vail said...

Great...too bad those "college kids" won't air the bit.