Tradition is not the worship of ashes, but the preservation of fire.—Gustav Mahler

Friday, June 29, 2007

It Lives! No, Wait, It's Dead Again

Well, that didn't take long. While a few Democratic senators were pandering to their base about resuscitating the Fairness Doctrine to battle the mighty monster of conservative talk radio, the House just passed the Pence amendment, which hammers that one back into the crypt. (And with a hundred or so Democrat votes!)

The House jumped in because the Senate might have passed it, especially since they could have counted on Trent Lott's vote. Still, it would have been great fodder for discussion, and the Dems didn't want any discussion since the bias of the network news not to mention tax-supported NPR would have been highlighted.

Me, I'd love there to be more liberal radio. The problem is that Air America and many of the rest don't let conservative guests or callers on the air. The folks at RedState alone could clean their clocks every hour on the hour. I'd tune in for that, hell yeah. Ratings bonanza.


Evanston2 said...

I know this point has been made ad nauseum, but my liberal siblings listen to NPR. There IS an liberal radio network.

Evanston2 said...

OK, I feel stupid, you mentioned NPR at the end of the second paragraph.

James F. Elliott said...

The problem is that Air America and many of the rest don't let conservative guests or callers on the air.

KQKE must broadcast a different Air America from the one you listen to, then...

James F. Elliott said...

There IS an liberal radio network.

We've been over this, Evanston: Facts have a well-known liberal bias.

Tom Van Dyke said...

My comment was based on my observations, James. Perhaps things have changed. If so, ratings will increase.

As for bias, the question isn't "facts" as much as the highlighting of some and the ignoring of others.