Tradition is not the worship of ashes, but the preservation of fire.—Gustav Mahler

Sunday, August 13, 2006

Hold 'Em Or Fold 'Em

Well, now, I've poked my head above ground briefly, and I see that the jackbooted thugs, aka the federal government, have arrested some Brit in a U.S. airport during a layover between the UK and somewhere south of the equator. It seems that this poor soul is, or was, the CEO of some online gambling site, and gambling is a terrible thing, unless conducted by the government itself or one of its interest-group allies, and the existential threat from the Islamic fascists is too trivial to merit a shift of resources by the federal nannies, and, boy, am I happy to see my tax dollars at work.

But something's missing. Can't quite put my finger on it. I bet, in a manner of speaking of course, that it'll come to me. Wait! I see it! Something I've never seen before! It's the ineffable Bill Bennett, moral conscience of a great nation, with his mouth... closed! Not a word about federalism. Not a word about the rights of adults to use their own resources in a manner that they see fit. Or, alternatively, not a word about locking the gambling scoundrels up to teach them a lesson. Not a word about, in a word, anything. Oh, wait, I remember: It was Bennett who was happy to see untold thousands put in the hoosegow for their vices (green grass, so to speak) while he made excuses for his own (the green felt tables). Come on, Bill, speak up. Enlighten us with your wisdom. Save us from evil. Prevent us from becoming the Great Satan.

What a coward and hypocrite.


Tom Van Dyke said...

The story is here. Seems the fellow owes Uncle Sam some money.

I wondered why CNN took Bill Bennett on as a commentator, but then it occurred to me: for the same reason Pat Buchanan's still in business (at MSNBC). Only the loudest of the right get put on, as they are far more likely to leave a bad impression.

James F. Elliott said...

"I wondered why CNN took Bill Bennett on as a commentator, but then it occurred to me: for the same reason Pat Buchanan's still in business (at MSNBC). Only the loudest of the right get put on, as they are far more likely to leave a bad impression."

You cannot be serious. Now Fox News is part of the liberal media conspiracy? Lordy lord.

Tom Van Dyke said...

Did I say that?