Tradition is not the worship of ashes, but the preservation of fire.—Gustav Mahler

Monday, July 17, 2006

Not A Joke

I see that the ineffable Howard Dean now is criticizing the Administration's Middle East peackeeping efforts---for all the wrong reasons, naturally---and is arguing that the Democrats would have far greater success, in part by utilizing the moral authority of... Bill Clinton. I am not making this up. More comic relief from Dr. Dean, worth his weight in gold.

1 comment:

Jay D. Homnick said...

Absolutely I deny that Clinton was a good politician in any field at all. His record is strewn with failure on every front.

He was a terrible President and an awful human being. It's really a shame that sexuality became an issue, because that diverted the conversation. The man is slime.

He sold Presidential pardons for money, for favors, for votes for his wife. That simple fact alone should be enough that in a world governed by any degree of integrity the man should have to hide his head in shame for the rest of his life.

And that is only one teeny piece of the story. It is an embarrassment for our nation that we even have such a citizen, much less an ex-President. Yecch.