Tradition is not the worship of ashes, but the preservation of fire.—Gustav Mahler

Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Torture(d) Logic

Harry Reid has got to be the most disingenuous member of the Senate. Check him out in this AP story:

Democrats are working to get a large opposition vote to make their points against President Bush.

"I think it sends a message to the American people that this guy is not King George, he's President George," said Senate Democratic leader Harry Reid of Nevada.

Bush should have picked a woman, said Reid, who urged the president last year to pick White House counsel Harriet Miers. "They couldn't go for her because she was an independent woman," Reid said of Miers, whose nomination was withdrawn under conservative criticism.

You've got to be kidding me, Dusty Harry. Had Bush stuck with Harriet Miers, who was underqualified and tied to Bush like his ranch kerchief, then we might have been able to sustain the King George charge.

Actually, if he looks like a King, it is the King George who suffered the revolution of his American subjects, because it was a revolt that brought Alito in. Quietude was the road to Harriet.


James F. Elliott said...

So confused...

Disingenuous? As far as I can tell, you simply disagree with the man's take. If that makes him disingenuous, color me ditto.

I do believe Reid's comment is in regards to the likes of Senator Graham's comment about "What did you expect the President to do?" Indeed, the President is entitled to nominate whosoever he chooses. Reid's point is that, unlike a monarch, and unlike the Republicans seem to be acquiescing to, the President doesn't have the right to a rubber stamp approval of a judicial nominee. Cabinet nominee? One can (and for the sake of honesty should) make an argument for a certain amount of deference. But not when we're talking about a lifetime appointment, and certainly not to a separate branch of government.

Hunter Baker said...

Connie, you've put your finger on it. The point is that it is silly to say the man is acting like a king and then to suggest he would be more presidential and less kingly if he had stuck by one of his most arrogant and kingly moves ever -- the nomination of Ms. Miers.

James F. Elliott said...

But that's just your interpretation. Reid doesn't appear to have viewed the Meirs nomination as cronyism (unlike you or I) and was one of her boosters since before the nomination. It's not disingenuous if the statement's made in earnest (though this doesn't speak to its accuracy).