Mensch tracht, un Gott lacht

Monday, January 16, 2006

Bush Hit List

Well, say it three times fast.

We at The Reform Club occasionally promote worthy riffs from our commenters to the main board, and in this case, I'd like to promote our own Jay D. Homnick's complaints about our current White House Occupant to give 'em their own air:

1) Blew the relationship with Senator Jeffords and cost the Republicans a Senate majority for two years.

2) Left the same stupid wet-foot Cuba policy where refugees are repatriated if they don't make it to shore.

3) Has completely ignored the immigration problem; in fact, he has actually made the border patrols weaker. This is bad government and bad politics, not to mention dangerous.

4) Has continued a completely hypocritical policy of saying that the U.S. must never negotiate with terrorists while insisting that Israel must kowtow to terrorists and accede to their demands.

5) Has shown an almost comical level of disengagement from, if not downright ignorance of, the political situation in South and Central America, which is becoming more dangerous to the United States with each passing day.

6) Has not really made a move (not that Clinton did either) to limit our dependency on oil or to improve the terms under which we acquire it.

7) Has not had the courage to fight environmentalists over their stranglehold on the building of new oil refineries.

8) Has not figured out approaches to getting the middle-of-the-road person in America to see him as a "uniter, not a divider".

I'll add not vetoing anything, like the heinous McCain-Feingold, and after drilling in ANWR was scotched, not figuring out how to make fuel out of caribou. Additions encouraged. (For maximum effect, keep 'em Homnick-short.)


Kathy Hutchins said...

9) Negotiated universal Medicare prescription drug benefit which requires my appliance repairman (black, four kids, one middling income) to pay for Bob Dole's Little Blue Pills.

10) Played cynical footsie with the Rust Belt vote by signing that absurd steel tariff that screwed every wholesale buyer of steel in the country. Gets half a point back for repealing it later, I suppose.

Nidsu said...

11) Worked with Teddy Kennedy on huge increase to the NEA's (oops I mean "education") budget.

12) Made most Democrats look frugal in their spending of government "revenue"

Hunter Baker said...

13) Tried to promote his personal lawyer to Supreme Court Justice.

14) Insulted everyone's intelligence by insisting she was the best candidate available. (But earned redemption with Alito.)

15) Pushed through a big prescription drug entitlement that will absolutely increase the size of government by leaps and bounds despite the fact that he gained not a vote by so doing.

16) Has subjected me to a heinous five years worth of terrible, terrible public speaking.

17) Is not Ronald Reagan. (But earns some back for not being Bill Clinton -- no red thong snapping on the public's dime!)

Kathy Hutchins said...

18) Has squandered countless opportunities to punch that arrogant asshat Vincente Fox square in the nose.

Hunter Baker said...

Yowza, gettin' hot in here. Flame on!

James F. Elliott said...

Then why'd you respond, huh? Huh? (Now who's being childish! I win!)

James F. Elliott said...

...I'll get right down in the gutter where the Far Left has placed itself since Watergate.

Since you're inviting a comparison between Democrats of the Watergate era and President "I love making vulgar anti-Semitic comments" Nixon, you're really going to have to back that bullhonkey up.

The grand total of your arguments seems to be "Well, you're poopyheads, too, so there!" I've seen you do better. Connie and Tlaloc raised wholly legitimate points that you failed to even refute. Come on. Even the more rampant partisans among the Reform Club posters can call a spade a spade when it comes to Bush.