Tradition is not the worship of ashes, but the preservation of fire.—Gustav Mahler

Friday, November 18, 2005

WFB's Birthday Tribute

NRO is celebrating Bill Buckley's birthday party today, even though it's really on Nov. 24. I'm wistful in hearing about it because while I've been blessed to meet many of my heroes and even become friends with some of them, I've never managed to meet Buckley. I've read about him, written about him, carefully followed his career, and heard him speak. The recurring thought is that few persons have lived a more interesting life or worked more tirelessly for what they believed.

The website has an interesting page of tributes. This one jumped out at me:

James Piereson

I recall an event from the 1970s, a debate on a midwestern college campus between Bill Buckley and a liberal or left-wing speaker whose name I have justly forgotten. I had never met Mr. Buckley at that time, though (as the saying goes) I had seen him on television and was taken by what he had to say, though not yet persuaded on all counts. That would come later. Of course, having spent time on that campus, I had become accustomed to the boorish and juvenile manners of academic leftists, who were not beneath screaming insults at those with whom they disagreed or, more politely, stalking out of the lecture room in disgust at the thought that another person should be allowed to advance views that they did not endorse. During the course of the exchange, Mr. Buckley presented his views articulately, as he always did, and in good humor, which was something I had not expected and which left a deeper mark on me than anything he actually said. He made his case amid hisses and boos from some members of the audience, and some less than dignified remarks from his opponent on stage. I was astonished, when the debate was over, to see Mr. Buckley walk across the stage with his wide smile to extend a hand to his adversary in debate, who was surprised as well, not being accustomed to gentlemanly conduct of any kind. Indeed, that is precisely the kind of conduct one never expected to see on a campus at that time.

Mr. Buckley thus impressed upon me the enduring truth that there is a connection between the way leftists think and the manners by which they conduct themselves, and also between his own gentlemanly conduct and his conservative ideals. Mr. Buckley is a powerful debater, but that night he went a long way to making a convert through his own exemplary character.

I have met Bill Buckley on many occasions since, and on every occasion I have walked away with one over-riding thought: What a wonderful man this is!

My own thought upon reading this reflection is that it's not so difficult to be gracious in victory. And Buckley experienced a great deal of that.


Jay D. Homnick said...

Wow, thanks, Hunter. I followed your link and read 'em all. Wunnerful!

Mike D'Virgilio said...


I can confirm what an exceptional human being Mr. Buckley is. It was probably back in 1994 or 1995, and I hosted speakers when I worked as a PR guy for a small college in central PA. Buckley was a featured speaker, so as the host I picked him up at the airport and shuttled him around (he was carrying with him a a very heavy harpsichord and practicing for a concert he was to give--amazing).

Mr. Buckley was the perfect example of a "How to Win Friends and Influence People" type of guy. He was so unpretentious, which I didn't expect, and took a keen interest in everything about me. He asked questions about my life, work, family, etc. And he's a very good listener. Not only was he my hero for in effect starting the conservative movement as we know it, and for having a profound influence on my journey to becoming a certified a right winger, but he took a genuine interest in me as a person! I mean, he is one of the most incredible Renaisance men our country has ever produced. He has stood with presidents, kings and leaders of every stripe throughout the world, and his humility and kindness just blew me away.

I met a lot of "famous" people in almost eight years in that position, and at other times in my life, and none can compare with Mr. Buckley. It was truly and honor for that day and a half to actually get to spend time with him. Hopefully you will be able to have that pleasure one day as well.

Hunter Baker said...

Mike, that is a stunning account. I would never have expected so much. It's a wonderful thing to hear that one of your heroes is a mensch.

Ed Darrell said...

In my experience all the Buckley men are superb gentlemen. Watching Bill Buckley age reminds us of what the conservative movement, dominated by Ralph Reeds, Pat Robertsons, Jerry Falwells, Karl Roves and Dick Cheneys, has lost.