Tradition is not the worship of ashes, but the preservation of fire.—Gustav Mahler

Monday, October 03, 2005

Measured Praise for Harriet Miers

While most conservatives, including those on this site, are wringing their hands over President Bush's appointment of Harriet Miers to replace retiring Associate Justice Sandra Day O'Connor on the Supreme Court of the United States, Indiana governor and former director of the federal Office of Management and Budget Mitch Daniels approves of the choice, according to the Indianapolis Star.

Or does he? The Star story quotes Daniels as saying, "She's very good at drawing out arguments on both sides of the question," and calling her a "decent, thoughtful, caring and balanced person." He said he got to know her well during his time in the White House and that her intellect is at least as good as those of the senators who will be questioning her during her nomination. The Star quotes Daniels as saying, "She is so hard working," and, "For all of her gifts, she is a very modest person."

Those are all very nice things, and superb qualifications to run the Red Cross. What is missing here, interestingly, is any mention of her opinions and central beliefs.


Kathy Hutchins said...

Those are all very nice things, and superb qualifications to run the Red Cross.

I thought he was describing a nominee for "Kindergarten Teacher of the Year."

Fred Grandy, who most of you who couldn't get dates on Saturday nights in the 1970s will remember as 'Gopher' from The Love Boat, also spent four terms representing Iowa in the House of Representatives. After that, he was the president and CEO of Goodwill. He currently hosts the morning drive-time show on DC AM talker WMAL. Fred Grandy would be just as good a Supreme Court nominee as Harriet Miers. Plus which, we haven't had an associate justice with a funny nickname since Byron "Whizzer" White retired.

I am even more disgusted now than I was the last time I said I was disgusted.

Hunter Baker said...

I just want to know if she believes in government by the people or government by five of nine. That'll do fine for me.

Kathy Hutchins said...

government by five of nine.

That's it! Jeri Ryan for SCOTUS!

Oh wait. She was Seven of Nine, wasn't she. Never mind.

Hunter Baker said...

Jeri Ryan will do fine. Let's close the deal on that one. Much more interesting choice.