Tradition is not the worship of ashes, but the preservation of fire.—Gustav Mahler

Sunday, August 14, 2005

Follow-Up on Planned Parenthood Cartoon

Joe Manzari offers an important observation on the Planned-Parenthood Golden Gate cartoon controversy that really tells you all you need to know about media bias. It's really this simple:

Imagine if Focus on the Family published a cartoon depicting their chairman, James Dobson, as a superhero blowing up non-violent Planned Parenthood protestors. Do you think the liberal media would just shrug it off? How about if that same cartoon depicted pro-choice demonstrators being decapitated and drowned in sex-lubricant? Can you imaging that slipping through the cracks of the New York Times editing room? I think not.

Manzari is right. There is simply no question that this story would have been covered differently if it had been, oh say, the Washington state branch of Christian Coalition in its heyday.

On another front, Manzari is wrong. He characterizes Planned Parenthood Golden Gate as an organization that advocates violence because of their cartoon. Let's be serious for a moment. We know that what they are really trying to do is satirize pro-lifers so potently as to make them seem completely unworthy of being heard. Still quite an unsavory tactic, but not quite in the realm of advocating violence.


Anonymous said...

What do you mean they don't advocate violence? What about partial-birth abortion?

Hunter Baker said...

I was talking about the cartoon and their portrayal of pro-lifers. I agree that abortion is an extraordinarily violent act.

Hunter Baker said...

T, no Christian is happy at the thought of anyone being cast out of the presence of God. Dobson has worked incredibly hard to enlarge the camp of those he hopes will be saved. Sounds ridiculous to you, but he has worked to save souls his entire career.

Hunter Baker said...

Clueless. Can't help you. Pity.

Anonymous said...

What you are referring to as an argument is nothing more than a series of ad hominem accusations.

Feels good to do my daily work of kicking T-man's butt. It's Schlitz O'Clock.

Anonymous said...
