Tradition is not the worship of ashes, but the preservation of fire.—Gustav Mahler

Wednesday, August 03, 2005

Church-State and Postmodernism

For those of you with access to services like JSTOR and Hein Online, I'd like to announce the publication of my article "Competing Orthodoxies in the Public Square" in the Journal of Law and Religion.

The basic thesis is that all of us, including the Court, are moving into a more postmodern way of looking at religion versus the alternatives (like say, Marxism, feminism, or various race-centrisms), and thus a strict separationist view is untenable because it singles out religion without treating functional equivalents the same way. As proof of the phenomenon at work, I discuss the movement of free exercise cases into the free speech realm.


S. T. Karnick said...

Hunter, can interested parties get a copy of this by, say, sending you a SASE?

Tom Van Dyke said...


Hunter Baker said...

I'm waiting on my author copies. When I get them, I'll happily send a couple along to the two of you.

S. T. Karnick said...

You are a mensch among menschen! Danke schoen!