Tradition is not the worship of ashes, but the preservation of fire.—Gustav Mahler

Monday, August 29, 2005

Assault (And Searing Battery) On Good Taste

In possibly the most tasteless and inappropriate pun of all time, Jefferson County Parish President Aaron Broussard said of those who refused to evacuate New Orleans in the face of Hurricane Katrina: "I'm expecting some of the die-hards to die hard."


Kathy Hutchins said...

I play harp, and belong to an online harp discussion group. Many harpists, particularly women of a certain vintage, embrace various New Age enthusiasms ranging from vague animist neopaganism to fullblown Wicca. These women are uncomfortable with concepts like God, prayer, or supplication, so often suggest in the face of oncoming tragedy that we all "play a meaningful song for the victims." I suggested Stormy Weather, Summer Wind and Who Names the Hurricanes and was soundly booed for my insensitivity.

This guy's got me beat, though.

Jay D. Homnick said...

Hey, Kathy, loved your report on harp-among-the-harpies. Reminded me of my life in Florida as a peon-among-the-peonies.

Kathy Hutchins said...

Wicca is most certainly played with by the same people who play with crystals and labyrinths and listen to Hildegaard of Bingen because she sounds mystical. At least you admit it was invented in the 20th century. Some of these crackpots sincerely think they are lineal descendants of Merlin.

Hunter Baker said...

Yeah, I noticed that, too. As did my wife. Probably as did almost anybody watching the Superdome.

Then again, I heard a restaurant owner on Foxnews saying he couldn't leave because his life and his livelihood were in the French Quarter. He was staying no matter what.