Tradition is not the worship of ashes, but the preservation of fire.—Gustav Mahler

Monday, July 11, 2005

What Is a Terrorist?

My esteemed friend Tlaloc argues in a comment that "'terrorist' is a fine term for Al Qaeda. 'Insurgent' on the other hand is perfectly accurate for the forces in Iraq." Well, that just about sums it all up, doesn't it? If the Islamic fascists are bombing westerners, they are terrorists. If they are bombing Iraqi civilians in a direct effort to make U.S. policy appear doomed, well, then they are insurgents. Does Tlaloc actually read what he writes?


James F. Elliott said...

I think the real question is, "Did you keep a straight face on while putting words into his mouth?"

James F. Elliott said...

Dr. Zycher, please see the Reform Club archives for more information on the Baathist insurgence vs. foreign jihadists question:

Your comment merely serves to reignite the guerrilla warfare/terrorism debate.

James F. Elliott said...

Crap. Got cut off.

Let's try this.

Oh good.

Tom Van Dyke said...

Then by the same token, we are no longer fighting the Iraq War, which is over and won.

We are assisting the legitimately elected interim government of Iraq in its counterinsurgency.

In brighter news, the jihadists seem to have declared war on the insurgents, who might be splintering off in hopes of cutting a deal.

It might be fair to wonder if the insurgency would have persisted this long without willing jihadis to serve as cannon fodder. The insurgents seem to have an interest in living past the day after tomorrow. (Perhaps they heard about the 72 Virginians awaiting them.)

Tom Van Dyke said...

Oh, I think it's a stretch to ascribe democratic principles to these people, LA. They could count the 8 million purple fingers as well as the next guy.