Tradition is not the worship of ashes, but the preservation of fire.—Gustav Mahler

Tuesday, July 26, 2005

Durbin/Turley/Roberts: The Real Scoop

Get it here from the good lawyers of Powerline.


Hunter Baker said...

Probably not if we can get any gulag survivors to play. They're liable to get pissed off.

Hunter Baker said...

If you read accounts about the Nazi concentration camps, the Russian gulags, and the Chinese laogais, then the idea of debating the kids stuff at Gitmo seems a little ridiculous.

James F. Elliott said...

I refuse to take a homophobe named "Hindrocket" seriously. I just can't do it.

Oh, and Hunter? I suppose the alleged forced sodomy of young boys at Abu Ghraib doesn't qualify as "gulag-like?" Eh?

Hunter Baker said...

Alleged would be the operative term.

Hunter Baker said...

Defend which assertion, T?

Hunter Baker said...
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Hunter Baker said...

I think the burden is on you to show that it is. The United States has not compiled the sort of record China and the Soviet Union did in the field of civil rights.

Oh, by the way, your concern over whether or not people are being tortured completely proves my point about the underlying moral law. If I agreed with you about the facts of what is happening, I'd share your outrage.

Hunter Baker said...

Why should you care about the law? Why should you care if torture is effective? Why should anyone care what you think is moral? We're dancing in circles. I'll let this waltz end.