Tradition is not the worship of ashes, but the preservation of fire.—Gustav Mahler

Thursday, May 05, 2005

Wlady P. on Savage?!!!

We used to ask what would happen if the irresistible force met the immovable object. Yesterday, I observed something familiar when one of my favorite people met one of my least favorite. Wlady Pleszsczynski (yeah, I can spell it) appeared for an interview on the Michael Savage Show. I've said in the past that I don't like what Savage does on the radio and that he's a net minus to the conservative (or as Karnick says, "liberal") movement, so you can deduce that I love Mr. P, the big man at American Spectator.

The two talked about the Laura Bush speech and I still can't quite figure how to view it. Savage played some clips and it came off to me like a really savage roast, funny and appropriate to the setting. "Milking the horse" probably goes a bit far for a culturally conservative prez, but we've got to avoid the deadly joyless culture warrior syndrome. Wlady took it as pandering, as has our wise Zycher. Savage hates Bush and was happy to hammer him again.

Having written some 20-30 pieces for Mr. P, all handled through email correspondence, it was great to hear his voice. Pretty much exactly as one might expect it to be -- articulate, measured, and carrying just a hint of his European origins.


Jay D. Homnick said...

Wlady's European origins are in Santa Barbara, California. Your radio was playing tricks on you: no accent.

But too bad I missed it. I only ever listen to Savage on Thursday nights when it's my turn in car pool to pick up my 14-year-old son from school.

Hunter Baker said...

You think he doesn't have an accent because you have a pretty good one yourself! AND, you're just mad because you're a Savage fan!!! :)

Jay D. Homnick said...

Well, all New Yorkers have accents, I suppose. I have worked very hard at containing mine and when I do radio, it does not come through.

Ironically, my father's mother, who was born in New York City in 1900, had perfect diction and no regional accent whatever. My father, born in NYC in 1931, and I, born there in 1958, both struggle with the New Yawk lilt.

Dad is a psychologist and when you call his office and hear his voice on the recording, it is accent-free, unlike his conversational twang.

Hunter Baker said...

I have a region-dependent accent. If I'm in the South, people think I talk like a midwesterner. Very little accent. Barely a homeboy. But in other places, the residents think I have a distinctively southern twang.