Tradition is not the worship of ashes, but the preservation of fire.—Gustav Mahler

Thursday, May 19, 2005

Interesting Weblog on Intelligent Design

There is a new ID blog out there without any of the usual suspects. Looks like an eclectic mix of younger guys (at least one agnostic) and seems pretty stimulating. What really strikes me as interesting is that the standard group of anti-ID fans/roadies run around making comments even at this new website. Whenever I've written the slightest kind thing about ID or anything critical about the neo-Darwinian synthesis, I get a load of email from these same fellows.

Anyway, check out Telic Thoughts. (Telic means purposeful.)


Anonymous said...

Hi Tlaloc,

"The article quotes a source that is a great support for evolution and yet the author treats it as if it supported ID. Um Hello! You're the ones arguing AGAINST evolution."

No, he's not. Mike Gene, the author of that article, is an evolutionist.

Anonymous said...

Hi Tlaloc,

"I meant the author of the comments in the post about the article, not the author of the original article."

Guts? He's also an evolutionist.


Anonymous said...

Hi Tlaloc,

"So was Hunter wrong when he touted the site as a weblog for ID?"

No. Evolution isn't the sole property of the non-teleological approach.

"Actually do I even care? Not really."

Yet you chose to point to a particular post, trying to make an issue out of which side of the "fence" the author was arguing.

Anonymous said...

Hi Tlaloc,

"That really doesn't answer my question."

Yes, it does. You asked if Hunter was mistaken when he characterized Telic Thoughts as an ID blog, and I explained that he wasn't. I then expanded on my answer, pointing out that non-ID theories aren't the only ones that can incorporate evolution.

You seem to be the only one who's confused.