Tradition is not the worship of ashes, but the preservation of fire.—Gustav Mahler

Tuesday, January 18, 2005

Recognizing Jeb's Potential

Despite having a terrible political name, Jeb Bush (the Jeb, not the Bush) is probably the best hope for the GOP in 2008. Dick Morris thinks Condi is the only one who could beat Hillary, but I'm with Matt Towery who thinks Jeb has all the tools. Check out his column on the superb job Jeb has done as Florida's governor.

For the record, I'd be freakishly pleased to see Condi run, too. I just don't buy the idea that Americans wouldn't elect three Bushes to the Presidency. People like stability and they like brand names. Bush has become a pretty good brand name in politics. It ain't Reagan, but it's pretty good.


Jay D. Homnick said...

Our friend tlaloc is functioning here as a provocateur and gadfly but the fact is that he is correct. The Republicans talk a good game on the moral issues, and not only don't they walk the walk, they're not even at the stage of "crawl before you walk".

Jay D. Homnick said...

I didn't call you a jerk, tlaloc, I merely observed that P.J. O'Rourke did. P.J. had his first two kids at fifty or so and he hasn't been getting around much lately; I, on the other hand, can distinguish between science nerd and jerk.

But you're still right that however much conservative types speak against immorality in music and elsewhere, they ain't about to Repo those Demos.