Thursday, May 10, 2007

The Worst US President in the History of the World

Well, my friends on the left---although the friendship is unrequited---universally agree: Bush is toejam. The Iraq war, the deficits, the...well, the list sort of stops there, but that's enough.

The Iraq thing sucks. The deficits suck.

---But the economy goes ticking along, even though it should have slid into recession after the dotcom bust and the CEO scandal/robberies ala Enron.

---After 9-11, there hasn't been another major Islamicismist attack on American soil.

---And Bush appointed a critical mass to the Supreme Court which finally ruled that piercing viable babies' skulls and sucking their brains out is barbaric, and must end.

He could have done a whole helluva lot of things better, but I don't know a president who couldn't have done things a lot better. As for the money, well, every family goes into debt when an emergency arises. And though we've lost over 3000 brave American lives in Iraq over 4 years, now 4 to 5000 innocent babies might not get their brains sucked out each and every year.

Mebbe we should have left Saddam in place. Mebbe we could have saved the money. Mebbe there was some clever way to handle the threat, like sitting home and inspecting cargo containers. But balancing the scales, I'm OK with Dubya. No attacks, the end of partial birth abortions. It's about our babies, stupid. They're why we do what we do, why we get up in the morning and go off to work and then come right home to bounce them on our knees. I don't even have any children, but they're why I vote like I do.

Which is why I might have to wait on Rudy Giuliani, and look for somebody---anybody---else. I think he'll be great on national security and good on the economy too. But there's that other thing. The babies.

I don't think he would've lifted a finger to save them.


  1. Funny I wrote almost the same thing today at TAS.

  2. In the parable of the Rich Man and Lazarus, the guy in hell asks Father Abraham for a drop of water. He is told that this cannot be done since there is an unbridgeable gap between them. I find the idea of hell repugnant until I see the reality of man, and note that there is indeed an unbridgeable gap between those who love what is right and those who worship themselves.
    Bush is no saint, nor necessarily the greatest President ever, but he has been faithful, long-suffering, and reasonably competent.
