Thursday, May 10, 2007

More Foolishness from Academia, Part XVXII

So Inside Higher Ed asks if it is "Inclusivity or Tokenism?" that the American Historical Association *requires* that panels include a woman in order to be accepted. Is that even a serious question? What would tokenism be otherwise? For the panel in question, all the folks did was to add in a female scholar to be the chair of the panel, which if you've been to these sorts of meetings you must realize that a chair hardly does anything, except to pass little silly notes trying (usually in vain) to get the loquacious profs to cut short their presentations on the transsexual warrior in 4th century pottery work. It's nice to know that we've made such progress.

1 comment:

  1. Y'now, if your academic career were in the toilet, it'd be worth considering a sex change.

    If you became a transsexual lesbian, the invitations would never stop.

    Give it some thought, Michael. I'll be your agent.
