Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Jerry Falwell’s Death and the Liberal Hate Machine

You knew it would not take long for the Liberal Hate Machine to pile on Jerry Falwell, the Christian conservative every good liberal loves to hate. Well, maybe not every liberal, but there certainly is a vicious vitriolic pack of liberals in the blogosphere who are so blinded in their self-righteousness that anyone, especially a Christian conservative, who dares to challenge their worldview is the enemy. A sampling of this venomous drivel can be found at Newsbusters.

I was never a big fan of Falwell as my theology is quite a bit different than his, but the man did a lot of good for a lot of people and never harmed anyone. But to the Liberal Hate Machine he is Satan himself.

What’s amazing about liberal bile is that so little of it is reserved for Muslim terrorists who are our real enemies. For some reason, probably that they just aren’t Christians, Muslims get a pass even though everything they believe is antithetical to liberal Western culture and life. Not to mention that a certain subset of Islam wants to wipe us and everything we believe off the face of the earth. No big deal, as long as they aren’t Christian fundamentalists.


  1. I don't get it either. Well, actually I do. It was easy to kick Jerry Falwell to the curb, but Islamicists have guns and bombs. The rest follows.

  2. Falwell's celebrity was sustained by the media. Akin to Jesse Jackson, Eleanor Smeal, Barry Lynn, and others of the liberal gerontocracy who are respectively wheeled out to speak for all blacks, women, and "mainstream" christians.
    Thank God that the Internet has reduced, and will obviate, the MSM's ability to anoint the "representative" of their choosing.

    The REAL question is whom do they choose as their Strawman (to take apart all real Christians) now that Falwell is gone? Most true Christian leaders do not (a la Falwell) send out press releases with a knee-jerk screed in the wake of every tragedy. Instead, thoughtful and godly commentaries are issued. Such is not the stuff of easy typecasting, even when the MSM resorts to tortured excerpts and scary mood-lighting...

    ...this is really a bad day for the liberal fools. They have convinced themselves that there are Falwells behind every corner. They will have a very difficult time creating and marketing a new one.

  3. Following up on my prior comment (yes, I'm having a conversation with myself) Pat Robertson may be the successor to Falwell.

    We shall see if he cooperates with the MSM's never-ending christian caricature campaign.

  4. he's dead!!! long live his eternal reign in hell! A fraud, a hate monger and a discriminating piece of crap that hurt thousands of people with his idiotic racism. Worm food now baby!! Now we are the ones laughing!

  5. The use of "we" is most unnerving.

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  9. Jerry Lamon Falwell, Sr. (August 11, 1933 – May 15, 2007)was an American evangelical Christian pastor, televangelist, and a conservative commentator. He was the founding pastor of the Thomas Road Baptist Church, a megachurch in Lynchburg, Virginia. He founded Lynchburg Christian Academy (now Liberty Christian Academy) in 1967, Liberty University in 1971, and cofounded the Moral Majority in 1979.
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  10. "Talking Points Memo" this evening: disrespecting Jerry Falwell shortly after his death. bet basketball "Talking Points" has been reporting for years that the secular-progressive far left movement in the USA is not free speech friendly. If you disagree with those people, many of them will try to hurt you. Far left intolerance is off the chart.
    And sportsbook there is no better example than reaction to the death of Reverend Jerry Falwell. Within hours of his demise, the far left hate machine cranked up: Now there's no question Jerry Falwell was at times intolerant himself. march madness — Condemning gays and other groups and passing judgments on behavior that earned him the hatred of many. But even if you dislike Falwell, let his family and friends grieve for a few days, OK? There's no reason to kick his dead body. For example, a far left Minneapolis Star Tribune editorialized, "Falwell urged [Christians] to focus on issues that drove them apart. It's hard to see what's moral about that."
