Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Pleased as Punch & Tickled Pink

David Bloch joins front page today. David is a partner at one of America's most prestigious law firms, a rock'n'roller, and an all-around good guy. Plus he's a little weird (as his affection for H.P. Lovecraft attests), so he should fit right in around here.

The pleasure is ours, David, and welcome.


  1. Welcome, indeed. I used to walk by the monument to ol' Mr. Lovecraft in Providence on an almost daily basis...glad you're aboard!

  2. Thanks!

    And I definitely need to make a pilgrimage out to Providence some day. . . .

  3. Glad to have you on board also! (though I haven't been here long, and hope to interact more after my current project is done).
