Monday, August 28, 2006

Georgetown Rejects Evangelical Groups

Inside Higher Ed reports that Georgetown has told six evangelical groups, including InterVarsity Fellowship, that they have lost their recognized status on campus, meaning that they can't organize Bible studies, hold worship services, participiate in student organization fairs, etc. Georgetown says that it's just an "administrative" move designed to streamline ministries on campus, but I don't believe it for a minute. Most university chaplaincies don't much like evangelical groups, staffed as they are (on the Protestant side, at least) by liberals. As an alum, I've sent a note to the chaplain involved and I'll let you know what she says.


  1. "As an alum, I've sent a note to the chaplain involved and I'll let you know what she says."

    Your final statement reveals much, my friend.

  2. "Your final statement reveals much, my friend."

    Oh for the love of...
