Friday, July 28, 2006

UN-Happy Extension

Everything began to spin and I found myself sitting on the ground: I laughed so hard I cried.

- Jean Paul Sartre

One can only laugh at the sight of the name…the UN Interim Force in Lebanon (UNIFIL). But the laughter turns to tears as you read, point by point, the UN’s own pathetic Fact Sheet about their efforts in Lebanon since 1978.

Here’s to the forthcoming six month extension.

Update: In case you’re looking for a few more laughs…or was it tears…I forget which sometimes…here’s more.

1 comment:

  1. Your link to the UN's own Fact Sheet tells the whole story. UNIFIL, and the "international community" let over 10,000 offensive, not defensive, missiles onto Israel's border, without a peep of protest.

    Nice job by the blue helmets. I'll give $1 zillion US dollars to anyone who's able to take up the UN's case with a straight face.
