Friday, July 21, 2006


I'm delighted that Hunter Baker will be posting on the American Spectator site in future, as he will add what I see as a very important perspective to their daily news coverage: the relationship between law and religion. Hunter is a strong writer and thinker in this field, and I look forward to regularly reading his contributions there.

Hunter mentioned that he and I have been discussing a change in my blogging, too. As longtime readers of TRC will know, my greatest interest as a writer has always been in cultural analysis, and my duties at the Reform Club have all too often taken me away from that. In recent days I have returned to my pop culture roots in my posts on this site, and I have begun the process of setting up Karnick on Culture, a website and blog composed purely of my writings on popular culture.

I believe that there is real value in someone outside the main stream of cultural analysis offering criticism of the culture that is sympathetic to popular culture in general—that is to say, who is not a snob—but not enslaved to either a delight in or hatred of monetary power and the current celebrity cult, both of which are the common positions among writers on popular culture today. Such good-natured analysis is what I will be doing at Karnick on Culture, and I invite you to visit it often at, which is now in full operation.

Hunter and I are now giving the leadership reins of the Reform Club over to the highly capable hands of Tom Van Dyke. Like Hunter, I will still be cross-posting items at The Reform Club—as long as Tom wants me to. There are some truly exciting changes coming to this site, which will make it more provocative, useful, and enlightening than ever. Hunter and I will still be around, but we'll each be sticking to the subject matter we enjoy most. In addition, some new writers will be coming on, and their contributions will move the discussions in new directions that regularly confront daily issues with the kind of thoughtful, more magazine-like analysis not found on other blogs. We all believe that these changes will make the Reform Club better than ever.

Please continue to visit us regularly, let us know what you think of the changes, and visit Hunter and me at our new homes.


  1. Best of luck to you, S.T. Despite our many differences and conflicts, I hold your ability as a writer in high regard.

  2. Thanks, James. I hope you'll visit for my regular cultural commentary, on which we've had some very positive exchanges on this site.
