Thursday, March 30, 2006

Immigration and Political Divisions

Forgive me for asking, but is it really only the Republicans for whom the immigration issue is divisive, as one might conclude from the mainstream press discussions? After all, to the extent that the importation of low-skilled labor, whether legal or not, depresses the wages of all low-skilled workers---an assumption not quite as obvious as seemingly is the case, since immgrants increase both the supply of labor and the demand for goods and thus other kinds of labor---it ought to be the case that low-wage workers and Hispanics, both important groups within the Democratic Party coalition, would come down on opposite sides of the question. Or more specifically: It simply cannot be the case, it seems to me, that Hispanics on the one hand and blacks and poor whites on the other systematically would find themselves allies on this question. My guess is that the popular image of Republicans torn apart and Democrats united on this issue cannot be right.


  1. I think you're right, Dr. Zycher. My recollection was that Bill Clinton really had to push the Dems to go with him on NAFTA because of union worries about lost jobs. It would seem that similar concerns would pertain here, particularly with regard to the idea of slowly legalizing the illegals. Those fellows would make excellent competitors for factory jobs and would certainly tend to pull wages down, at least in the short run as they became available for large company service.

  2. I think immigration is one of the issues on which the Democrats, and the Left in general, have really dropped the ball. I think Democrats tend to treat the issue like a live hand grenade: they run the other way. In doing so, they avoid the public fights that are apparent in the Republican party. It's the black sheep issue no one talks about at dinner.

    I know for myself that the issue is far too complex for me to just come down on any one side of the fence.

  3. The Democrats see everything as political these days. They knew exactly what they were doing. There is no advantage in confronting the problem: blacks are highly anti-illegal immigrant, for instance, but they'll never shed their fealty to the Democrats in our lifetime. (Stiffed by the man agin.)

    The moment some GOPers twitched first in the, um, Mexican standoff, the Democrats were on it in a flash. Bigots, persecutors of the Good Samaritan. And Jesus Himself!

    Fortunately, cooler, more calculating heads like John McCain's may prevail. He's often accused of thinking like a Democrat, and he does, but in this case it'll come in handy.

    Problem: Illegal immigrants.
    Solution: Make 'em legal!

    How elegant. Makes politics look easy.

  4. Interesting tidbit on illegal immigration: If the House has its way and criminalizes giving aid to illegal immigrants, does that mean I'm going to become a felon? I authorize purchases of service that provide some of the people on my caseload (some of whom are illegal immigrant children) with their housing, food, and clothes. So, in following California state law, I could potentially be in violation of federal law. It's all very hypothetical, and I'm hoping Frist isn't as insane as I think he is, but it's kind of funny to contemplate.

  5. The immigration debate is demonstrating how fractured the American union movement has become, although this wrinkle is also not getting much media attention. SEIU and UFW have been very aggressive in getting people out to these protest marches, while AFL-CIO head John Sweeney is slamming the guest worker proposal. I imagine there are a number of Congressional Democrats who aren't looking forward to steering between this Scylla and that Charybdis.

  6. Andy Card and SEIU are off their rockers. Not necessarily on this issue, but in general. I say this as an SEIU member.

  7. Keith M.: "Nothing is more surprising than the attack without mercy." - Little Big Man
    On a serious note, I suspect the SEIU is less threatened by illegal immigrants since its membership largely consists of educated/certified hospital employees, as well as government employees. There are significant barriers to entry in health care, and nigh impossible to government, for an illegal. Contrast with factory workers, who should be very concerned with competing directly here in the U.S. for their jobs/wages. In comparison with competing against Mexicans in Mexican factories, if illegals are broadly made legal then they'll compete against Mexicans in U.S. factories.
    Dr. Zycher is right, Democrats can demagogue the issue for now, but it eats away at some of their core interest groups (black, union).

  8. I think the distinction is that that Republican ideology should be squarely against anti-mmigration policy, as it goes against their big-business philosophy. Tus, Republicans showing support over such a deal becomes more of an issue.
