Thursday, March 02, 2006

Charlie Rose, but I Sank

Thinking perhaps to expand my horizons by introducing myself to pulse-quickening liberal themes and personalities, I tuned into Charlie Rose. He was leaning forward in his chair, breathless with excitement, "So then you were just a student at Stamford... and what happened next?"

I'm figuring wow this guy must be some really famous major entrepreneur with a Bill Gates-like epiphany story wherein his drab collegiate days at Stamford were transformed into a life throbbing with high drama as...

...the camera pans to the guest, sitting ever so smugly, with the pleased smile of a cat who has licked clean the cream wrapped around Hercule Poirot 'moustaches' and the SNL Church-lady's pursed lips. The caption reads "Azim Premji, President of WIPRO".

My mind is now racing at 90 mph: "What kind of political commentator am I, who has never heard of Azim Premji and so unlettered that WIPRO strikes me as gibberish?"

Suddenly I'm flashing back 35 years, I'm 12 years old listening to the Jean Shepherd Show on WOR 710-AM in New York City. I'm remembering how he would salute all the self-important ponces who live on the fringe of the political world, crying "Look at me".

So I'm taking out the kazoo and the Jew's-harp; here goes the Shepherd treatment:

"Bzhzh, bzhzh, I salute you, Azim Premji. Bvvvv, bvvvv, we salute you, WIPRO. Bzhzh, bzhzh, bvvvv, bvvvv, bring us world peace, bzhbzh bzhzh."


  1. Actually, the Wikis have it wrong. He's the second richest (behind the Man of Steel).

  2. My mind is now racing at 90 mph: "What kind of political commentator am I, who has never heard of Azim Premji and so unlettered that WIPRO strikes me as gibberish?"

    Funny, that's what went through my mind when you mentioned Billy Rose. Billy?

  3. Um, who's Billy Rose, and why does anyone care?

    I'd have to say that a man, like Azim Prejmi, who takes a $2 million dollar company that sells cooking fat and turns it into a nearly $2 billion-grossing, globally recognized IT company is a story worth not mocking. Especially when you demonstrate you have no idea what you're mocking, like Mr. Homnick does here.

    But then, I'm not a conservative Republican, so what do I know.

  4. Oops, my mind went back to Billy Rose, who was an advisor to FDR, when I meant Charlie Rose.

  5. Who's Charlie Rose and why is he considered such a bastion of liberal thought?

  6. Billy Rose was an advisor to FDR? The vaudeville entrepreneur? Or is that yet a different Rose by any other name?

  7. Who's Charlie Rose

    He hosts an interview show on PBS. Got his start with Bill Moyers.

    and why is he considered such a bastion of liberal thought?

    He hosts an interview show on PBS. Got his start with Bill Moyers.

  8. Is this another of those "if you're not right of center, you're a liberal" things?
