Thursday, June 09, 2005

Priceless James Lileks

Mr. Lileks is known for producing books satirizing 60's and 70's food and interiors, but he has a second life as a webmaster constantly creating content.

One of his special gifts is writing screeds in which he severely punishes left-wing orthodoxy as it manifests itself in various "news" stories. Check it out here.

I particularly liked this bit:

The ongoing freak-out of Deaniacs over religion is becoming a source of great amusement, really; it’s as if they just discovered that those big old buildings with purty glasss windows and pointy spires on top are actually used by people for something other than voting and annual pancake breakfasts.


  1. As far as I can tell, none of us Deaniacs are "freaking out" about religion. What we are getting all riled up about is Democrats being too fractious and stupid to shut the heck up about one another in the press.

    The only ones I see trying to make hay out of religion are the Repuglicon wing of the Republican party.


  2. "What we are getting all riled up about is Democrats being too fractious and stupid to shut the heck up about one another in the press."

    Yes, Mr. Elliott, I can certainly sympathize. Many of us Americans feel the same way about some of our fellow Americans.

  3. Oh ouch. Your wit shames me.

