Monday, April 11, 2005

Theologically Liberal and Influential . . .

Question for the readers: Who is the most influential theological liberal in the United States? We can easily reel off the influential theological conservatives like Dobson, Colson, and Neuhaus, who are explicity religious and polito-cultural at the same time. Who is that person or persons among theological liberals? My thesis is that we can't find anyone to compete. Love to see any names you provide.


  1. Plenty of me-ology, though, masquerading as thee-ology.

  2. Jesse Jackson is a possibility, but I'm not clear that he is a theological liberal, which would require he deny the literal resurrection of Christ or the Virgin Birth, for instance.

  3. I am not certain of this, but I believe that Hauerwas fully accepts the three Creeds of the church, and hence is not theologically liberal.—STK
