Monday, April 25, 2005

The Idiotic Malconclusions of Frank Rich

Prepare to get angry, then read Frank Rich's latest column in the NYT. First he praises the Roman Catholic Church in the wake of John Paul II's death. Then, he dumps on evangelical Christians unhappy with the unprecedented use of the filibuster to stop conservative judicial nominees who have the votes to be confirmed.

Note to Mr. Rich: The evangelicals and Catholics are on the same page, numbnuts. Many of the judges being filibustered are Catholics.

Second note to Mr. Rich: You attribute all the anger over judicial filibusters to bias against gay marriage. Are you completely clueless? Issue numero uno with evangelicals and Catholics for about thirty years has been abortion. It's still numero uno. We are still waiting for the court to recognize the personhood of the unborn child or allow states to legislate the matter for themselves. Gay marriage is important, but not life and freaking death.

1 comment:

  1. Hunter, you're a real man; you take your public responsibilities seriously. Sufficiently so, to subject yourself to the consumption of that Rich drivel. You're a better man than me, I have not the stomach.

    But the frustration that your article expresses is one that we all share - those of us who value life. We are blown away by the fact that the other side not only disagrees, but they do so blithely, without misgiving, without the least second thought that perhaps they may be colluding in the taking of human life.

    That is because we have really never allowed ourselves to fully absorb this grisly truth: Communism succeeded in accomplishing a certain result in the leftist/academic/liberal mind. It taught people to view the individual as a cipher, as a chess piece, as an expendable unit in the all-consuming game of politics.
