Mensch tracht, un Gott lacht

Friday, December 14, 2007

Huckabee, Schmuckabee, Fred's Dead: Is Mitt a Twit?

Like Fred Thompson before him, Mike Huckabee is about to squander bump that comes with the honor of being the subject of our news ticker in the right column.

Huck has leapt to near the top of the polls, but you just don't accuse your opponent of believing that Satan is Jesus' brother. Even if it were true, which it apparently ain't, that's just bad form.

Neither do I, a putative Christian, want a president who advertises himself as a "Christian Leader." I'm also putatively a Catholic, and I don't want any "Catholic Leaders" as my president either. I prefer my sectarianism in this republic mellow and understated, invisible even, just like the Founders did. "Christian Leader" means Pat Robertson, and the Republican Party didn't like that noise the first time around after he finished second in the 1988 Iowa Caucuses.

The general electorate liked it even less. Huck, you're out. I like Christians. I'm married to one. But too much is way too much.

National Review, which founded modern conservatism, and which historically has been more Catholic and Jewish than Protestant, has endorsed Mitt Romney, who is none of the above, Mormonism being its own thing.

Harkening back to Abraham Lincoln, who said he'd fight to preserve the Union even if it meant not freeing a single slave, National Review endorses Romney to preserve the unity of the conservative movement, even if it means not electing a Republican to the presidency in '08.

[Well, they didn't admit the last part, but that's what's going on here.]

So, OK. I can dig that. Mitt Romney gets ticker now. Me, I think Mitt's a plastic man and genuinely weird, like Gore and Kerry before him, who deserved to lose. Weird like he put his family dog on the roof of his car for 10 hours on a trip, and then insisted the doggie liked it, even though the car was covered in doggie poo.

I mean, that's weird, I don't care how cleancut His Mittness looks.

I don't want a weird president. If Romney's the GOP nominee, I can't guarantee he gets my conservative vote, just because I happen to be a conservative. But Brother Mitt, you have our news ticker now, with all the perks and responsibilities it entails.

Prove to us that you ain't weird, please? I wanna believe.

1 comment:

Mike Golch said...

I really don't care for any of the candadates,especially the ones that bring religion into play to get elected.What ever happened to the SEPARATION OF CHURCH AND STATE of Our constition.Our founding Fathers must really be rolling in their graves over this one!!